Integrated Protection of Fruit Crops


Within the frame of the group there are five subgroups covering the following specialised topics:

WG and SG convenors, 2016
The WG and SG convenors, 2016 (from left side): Petros Damos, Claudio Ioriatti, Lucía-Adriana Escudero-Colomar, Christian Linder and Arne Stensvand. Lucía-Adriana Escudero-Colomar stepped down as convenor of the SG "Pome Fruit Arthropods" in 2016 after 8 years - her successor is Tim Belien.


The group meets as a whole every 4 years, the sub groups meet every two years in the intervening years.


Intensive work on methods and strategies for integrated plant protection in orchards, especially in the fields of pests and diseases, are the focal point of the working group activities. Technical guidelines for integrated pome, stone and soft fruit production have been published. These and results of specialised workshops are published in the IOBC-WPRS Bulletins:

February 2009: The Working Group „Integrated Protection of Fruit Crops“ is celebrating its 50th Anniversary
Historic Review (pdf) by Ernst F. Boller, Albert K. Minks, Jerry V. Cross, Joop C. van Lenteren & Theo Wildbolz 


IPM in fruit crops, biological control, technical guidelines

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