Where effective non-chemical post-harvest treatments (e.g. physical treatments or approved biological control agents) are available, they must be used for the control of diseases and/or disorders.
For scald the use of 1-MCP is permitted when justified by specific conditions and as long as there’s no non-chemical or physical alternative.
IPM strategies should try to avoid pre harvest fungicides. If unavoidable, the alternative could be a postharvest fungicide treatment of fruit, in many cases more effective, taking into consideration the following aspects:
- Fruit treated with fungicides for storage diseases control in pre-harvest may not be treated in post- harvest.
- Postharvest fungicide treatment is only permitted on cultivars with a moderate to high susceptibility to storage diseases.
- Only lots with a significant risk of storage diseases but which are otherwise suitable and intended for long-term storage (aver 2-3 months) may be treated with fungicide post-harvest.
- Cultural methods to minimize the risk of postharvest diseases, including where appropriate mulching of the soil surface to minimize soil splash, removal of sources of inoculum from orchards, should be used.
- Avoid harvest during or immediately after rain.
- Avoid producing wounds during harvest and handling, ensure bins are clean and storage conditions are high quality on monitored.
- The risk of storage diseases, based on diseases history, orchard factors and weather, must be determined and recorded for each orchard before harvest using scientifically sound and published methods.
- The dose (or concentration) of fungicide must be adjusted so that adequate control is achieved with minimum fungicide residues on fruits.
- A safe and legally acceptable method for disposal of excess fungicide solution must be used.