The management of the vegetation cover is preferably done by mechanical means. For instance, after the first cut inspring the cover will usually die back and regrow in autumn. In many cases, natural vegetation is adapted and much better environment for conservation control than sown covers.
It is recommended that in case of necessary control of weeds, herbicides should be replaced by mechanical cultivation, orby using a mulch soil cover with organic materials or by partial or total green cover. Mulch type and sanitary quality shouldbecarefully selected since it could favour certain pests (voles).
Alleyways should be of grass and/or herbs (see 2.2) and of adequate width to easily accommodate the tractor wheeling. The use of leguminous crops (Leguminosae/Fabaceae) as cover crops to improve soil structure, weed control and soil fertility is recommended. Leguminous crops fix N from the air and can contribute thus to the N supply. Grasses improve the presence of phytoseids predatory mites.