
Heavy pruning should be made during dry weather, since bacterial and fungal diseases are often spread by rain, or wounds must be protected.

The frequent disinfecting of pruning equipment is recommended to avoid the spread of disease infections (e.g. Pseudomonas spp.).

Mechanical destruction of healthy pruning materials is recommended as alternative to burning to increase organic matter in the soil.

The use of an integrated strategy for growth control based on drip irrigation, weed competition and balanced fertilization is the base for growth regulation.

The use of nets (especially single row nets), for example in the case of fruit fly control or even rain or hail protection should be considered at the plantation.

Excessive growth should be controlled by preliminary choices (see Section 3), cultural measures including reducing fertiliser and irrigation supply, summer pruning and encouraging an optimal fruit set.

On plum trees, where weather for pollination and set is not optimal, a spray of naturally occurring (but chemically synthesized) crop setting or thinning agents (e.g. gibberellins, NAA) or a spray of ethephon is permitted.

On cherry trees, a spray of a naturally occurring (but chemically synthesized) crop setting agent (e.g. gibberellins, NAA) is permitted.

Cherry cultivars and rootstocks resistant or less susceptible to bacterial canker or spot should be selected. Pruning may only be done in summer.

The use of symbiotic microbiological additives when planting trees is encouraged. 

The placement of bee hives ensures the pollination.

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