The prevention and/or suppression of key pests and diseases should be supported among other options especially by the:
- Choice of appropriate resistant/tolerant cultivars;
- Avoidance of vigorous shoot growth susceptible to pests and disease (e.g. reducing fertilisation and irrigation).
Prevent damage by insect pests in reproductive organs and fruits, as they can favour fungal infection.
The use of copper formulations as a preventive measure is advised, but not during blooming and not on susceptible cultivars.
The cultural practice of removal of sources of infestation or infection (e.g. Monilia spp., canker, brown rot) as far as practically possible is required. In particular:
- Winter and summer pruning is required to remove sources of infections of Monilia and bark/trunk diseases,
- Remove and/or destroy fallen leaves affected by Taphrina deformans.
Phytophtora and related soil borne diseases such as Armillaria etc: cover the trunk base with copper solutions and/ or calcium carbonate, by using a brush provides additional protection.
Cherry cultivars and rootstocks resistant or less susceptible to bacterial canker or spot should be selected. Pruning may only be done in summer.
Cydia (=Grapholita) molesta (Oriental Fruit Moth),
Anarsia lineatella (Peach Twig Borer),
Leafrollers Adoxophyes orana
Damages are expected to be higher on late ripening varieties.
Applications with winter oils may reduce the populations of Lepidoptera overwintering in bark as well as scale populations.
Drosophila suzukii (Spotted-wing drosophila)
Sustainable early harvest can be important in reducing exposure of fruits to the pest.
Use of netting in highly favourable areas is recommended
Scale Insects and bark pests
Cover the trunk base and branches with calcium carbonate, by using a brush may remove overwintering scale infections. Additionally, it prevents to some extend attacks caused by Lepidoptera larvae as goat moth Cossus cossus (Cossidae) or Synanthedon (Sesidae).
Branches attacked by Scolytidae beetles, especially in cherry, should be removed by pruning.
Marmorated stink Bug: Use of nets to avoid the entry of the pest and damages on fruits.