- The occurrence of pesticide residues on fruits at harvest should be further minimised by maximising safe-to-harvest intervals.
- Spray applications should be localised to parts of plantations where damaging infestation is present.
- Adoption of anti-resistance strategies for the at-risk pesticides is strongly recommended.
Additional requirements for integrated plant protection on strawberry
- Entomopathogenic nematodes and fungi, where available, should be used to control vine weevil and other soil pests on protected crops.
- Botrytis cinerea infections on strawberry and other soft fruits can be prevented with an early covering of tunnels and /or the regular use of the antagonistic fungus Gliocladium.
- Orius spp. or suitable predatory mirids should be used to control western flower thrips on protected crops.
- Drosophila suzukii (spotted-wing drosophila) selective insecticides must be used where necessary.
Note: At the time of the definition of the present guideline, D. suzukii is a new pest in Europe and integrated control strategies (such as insect-proof net or biological control, high temperatures at the end of the crop under tunnels as a sanitation measure) are still to be defined. For these reasons, a specific exception is admitted for non-selective insecticide use (see 9.3.1).
Additional requirements for integrated plant protection on cane fruits
- To prevent and control the development of cane diseases the following cultural methods should be applied
i) early removal of infected and superfluous fruiting canes,
ii) removal of fruiting canes immediately after harvest,
iii) reduction of nitrogen fertilisers rates,
iv) drip irrigation should be used in preference to sprinkler and micro-sprinkler systems. - Injurious mirids including Lygus rugulipennis and Lygocoris pabulinus should also be monitored using pheromone traps.
Additional requirements for integrated plant protection of bush fruits
- Branches and stems infected with canker and wood diseases should also be removed and the pruning wounds protected protected with an appropriate product.
- Currant and gooseberry shoots infected with powdery mildew (Sphaerotheca mors-uvae and Microsphaera grossulariae) should be removed to reduce inoculum for the next growing season.
- In blueberry production, organic mulch with bark, wood chips or sawdust is commonly used. Take into account that it can be a dangerous inoculum source of root rot pathogens, Armillaria spp. in particular.