
Based on the general criteria, the following categorization of pesticides and pesticide groups is established. It may require up-dating with the development of new products.

Not Permitted*

  • Organochlorine insecticides and acaricides,
  • All acaricides toxic to Phytoseiid mites,
  • Antibiotics,
  • Non-naturally occurring plant growth regulators,
  • Persistent herbicides. 

Permitted with Restrictions

  • Copper-based products: (maximum of 4 kg/ha of copper ion /year).
  • Benzimidazole fungicides (storage rots and blossom wilt and, as a paint for canker control, only).
  • Dithiocarbamate fungicides (normally a maximum of 3 applications per season and not in succession so that predatory Phytoseiid mites are not affected. On pear crops in regions where Stemphylium versicarium is a severe problem, normally a maximum number of 4 applications per season).
  • Sulphur (use must be limited so that predatory phytoseiid mites are not affected).
  • Neonicotinoids permitted only as an exception (when no other methods available): max two applications/year (acetamiprid & thiacloprid are permitted).
  • Pyrethroids: The use of a single/two spray application(s) of a non-acaricidal synthetic pyrethroid per season for control of Mediterranean fruit fly shortly before harvest is permitted, as well as for Halyomorpha halys. This is a temporary exception where no alternative control method is available, used as a reinforcement of other methods. Where such use is permitted by IP guidelines, a research program to find effective non-pesticide alternative treatments must be rigorously pursued.
  • Persistent herbicides with DT90<1 vegetation period: the situations of their exceptional use must be clearly specified (e.g. in the first three years after planting, maximum of one dose-equivalent per annum).

*The list of “non-permitted” and “Permitted with restrictions” still contains group of active ingredients no longer allowed in Europe; if these groups are still allowed outside Europe, than these rules must be followed:

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