10th Meeting of the IOBC-WPRS WG “Integrated Protection in Oak Forest”

The meeting aims to promote the exchange of knowledge between colleagues from the two shores of the Mediterranean on all aspects of integrated protection of oak forests. We aim that the high- quality contributions will stimulate interactions between representatives of extension services, researchers and industry to define new approaches to meet the future needs for a sustainable protection of oak forests. We will have plenty of room for discussion and sharing of information on the topic themes. The meeting will also be a good occasion to strengthen contacts between scientists and develop collaborations in academia for joint projects.
The prospective themes are:

  • Impact of global change on oak forest health
  • Oak forest biodiversity and conservation
  • Defoliator pests
  • Xylophagous pests
  • Oak diseases (pathogens, virus and bacteria)
  • Nematodes
  • Impacts and control of oak pests and diseases
  • Innovative monitoring strategies
  • Oak/pest and disease interactions
  • Forest health after fires/impact of fires on forest health

New themes of increasing interest within the scientific community involved in sustainable protection of oak forests in the West Paleartic Region are also:

  • Corythucha arcuata
  • New pests of increasing importance (e.g., Nidularia pulvinata)


Download: First Announcement (pdf, EN and FR), Second Announcement (pdf)

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