International Scientific Workshop "Diversifying Business Models for Biocontrol Deployment"
The French Priority Research Programme “Growing and Protecting crops Differently”(PPR-CPA), organises its International Scientific Workshop “Diversifying Business Models for Biocontrol Deployment”, from May 31 to June 2, 2023. The event will be held both in Paris (within the limits of available places) and online, in English only (no translation into French). It will be organised as follows:
- The sessions from May 31 to June 1, 2023 are open to all,
- The session of June 2, 2023 is reserved for speakers and guests.
During this scientific event, we will provide an overview of the diversity of business models used worldwide for the different types of biocontrol strategies (together with autocidal control and scouting activities supporting biocontrol), discuss their pros and cons, evaluate their potential for wider deployment and discuss the way public and private policies can facilitate their implementation.