ICE2022, XXVI International Congress of Entomology

The International Congress of Entomology returns to Europe, for the first time in 25 years!

The ICE2022 Helsinki congress intends to attract world-leaders as symposium organizers who will be able to identify cutting-edge topics and to assemble the best-available established researchers, and excellent younger researchers, to present their work.
The ICE2022 Helsinki congress will be arranged in sections representing major fields of entomological interest. Session topics have been selected and are published on the website.

IOBC symposia presented at XXVI International Congress of Entomology:

  1. Essential and useless ecological knowledge for applied biological control.
  2. Revisiting the biosafety of exotic generalist arthropod biological control agents.
  3. Omnivorous predators in augmentative biological control: blessing or nightmare?
  4. Access and Benefit Sharing and Biological Control Genetic Resources

The General Assembly of IOBC-Global is planned to take place during the International Congress of Entomology in Helsinki in 2022.
As it looks now, the General Assembly of IOBC-Global will be held on Tuesday evening 19 July, starting 18.30, location still unknown.

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