Short CV
Carmelo Rapisarda is full professor of General and Applied Entomology at the University of Catania, Department of Agri-food and Environmental Systems Management, head of the Applied Entomology Section of the same department, director of the international PhD program in “Plant Health Technologies and Protection of Agro-ecosystems”, permanent member of the Italian National Academy of Entomology. Mainly involved in studies on sap-sucking insects (especially whiteflies, psyllids and scale insects), their impact on cultivated plants and their integrated control, he also carries biological and epidemiological studies on other families of insect pests in both agricultural and forest ecosystems, as well as on their biological and integrated control. He also carries out research on strategies for protecting natural resources and insect diversity while managing a rational pest control, as well as additional studies on pests in urban environments, biological control of weeds and biotechnology for pest control.
He joined the IOBC WG “Integrated Control in Protected Crops, Mediterranean Climate” in 2012 and became Convenor of the WG in the same year. He is also involved in other IOBC-WPRS Working Groups such as “Integrated Protection of Citrus Crops”.