Short CV
Mohamed Lahbib BEN JAMAA, is a research scientist in Forest Entomology at the “Institut National de Recherches en Génie Rural, Eaux et Forêts” (INRGREF) and Chef of the Unit “Gestion et Valorisation des Ressources Forestières” in Tunis (Tunisia). He is an entomologist working since 1994 on the dynamic populations of different forest pest species (mainly insect defoliators and xylophages of cork-oak) to develop methods of Monitoring and Integrated Control. His major topics are: Biology; Ecology; Relations between trees/hosts/insects/fungi; Biodiversity of the forest ecosystems (entomofaune); Decline of forest trees; Invasive species.
Mohamed Lahbib BEN JAMAA jointed the IOBC-WPRS “Integrated Protection in Oaks Forests” in 1998 and became a Convener for the IOBC-WPRS sub-group on forest management in 2001. He organized the 4th meeting of the group in 2004 in Tunisia (hammamet, 5-8 October, 2004).