Short CV
Peter Esbjerg is Professor of Agricultural and Horticultural Zoology, Zoology Section of Department of Agriculture and Ecology. This department belong to the Faculty of Life Sciences (unitil 2009 The Royal Vet. & Agric. University), University of Copenhagen. The Zoology Section (headed by PE 1997-April 2010) is engaged among others in different aspects of IPM with focus on biological control in broad sense. Major aspects are microbial control, use of beneficials and functional ecology/ conservation biological control. This further links up to biodiversity in arable land.
PE’s key qualifications are applied entomology, IPM with focus on monitoring and forecasting systems, development of control thresholds and guidelines, and pesticide effects particularly on biodiversity in arable land. He was a member of the Danish Plant Quarantine Board 1988-2000, the board of The international Centre for Insect physiology and Ecology (ICIPE) 1991-97 and 2001-2007, incl. 4 years as President of the board 2002-2006. At present chairman of the Danish board of Apiculture.
PE joined IOBC-WPRS 1975 (WG Integrated Protection of Field Vegetables), served as member of the Council 1989-2005, Liason officer for WG’s Oil see rape and Integrated Protection of Field Vegetables, President of WPRS 1997-2007 and member of the Council of Global IOBC.