Philippe C. NICOT

Short CV

Born in 1957 in France, Philippe Nicot received the diploma of Engineer in Agronomy (with a major in Plant Protection) from AgroParisTech in 1980. In 1985, he completed his PhD degree in Plant Pathology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA. He then went to China as a postdoctoral fellow of the US National Academy of Sciences and worked in the Microbiology Department of China Agricultural University for four years of research and teaching. In 1989, he returned to France and joined INRAE (the French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment) as a research scientist at the Plant Pathology Unit of INRAE-Avignon, to conduct work on diseases of fruits and vegetables. He became head of the research group on fungal diseases, and later served from 2003 to 2008 as director of the Plant Pathology Research Unit.

Until his retirement in 2024 as a senior scientist of INRAE, his research interests were focused on the epidemiology and on the development of non-chemical control methods against diseases of fruit and vegetables. Since 1991, he was involved in many EU-funded research projects on biological control and/or IPM and he evaluated numerous national and international research projects as an independent expert. He taught plant pathology and IPM in undergraduate and postgraduate programs of various French and international institutions.

During his career, he attended numerous IOBC-WPRS WG meetings, and participated in the local and scientific organization of several international conferences. He served as General Secretary of IOBC-WPRS from 2005 to 2013 and as President from 2014 to 2021. He was awarded the status of Honorary Member of IOBC-Global in 2022.


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