Short CV
Dr. Ramon Albajes was born in Catalonia (Spain) in 1951.
He was professor at the Polytechnic University of Madrid and is currently Full Professor of Entomology at the University of Lleida, Department of Crop and Forest Sciences where he has worked since 1986.
His research interests have been mainly focused on the Ecology and Control of Insect Pests, Biological Control, Integrated Pest Management and the side effects of pest control methods. His main Application to the following agricultural systems: maize, protected vegetables, field vegetables, winter cereals and green urban areas.
He has been very successful in his research and published more than 100 scientific papers. He played an active role in the development of IPM systems in Protected Crops in the Mediterranean area. He has always been very much implicated in international cooperation and was for many years responsible for a cooperative program on IPM implementation between the University of California and the University of Lleida & IRTA.
He became implicated with IOBC/wprs and was convenor of the IOBC/wprs Working Group on “IPM in Protected Crops Mediterranean Region” (1990-2000). He also has been most active in other WGs such as “Integrated Control in glasshouses”, “Integrated control in cereal crops”, “Pheromones”, and “Ecological Impact of Genetically Modified Organisms”. He was elected as IOBC/wprs Council Member for a mandate from 1997 to 2001. He was a member of the Executive Committee for 8 year, as Vice-president (2001-2005) and as Treasurer (2005-2010).