Short CV

Rene Fuchs studied biology with plant pathology as major at RWTH Aachen University (Germany). After he received his diploma he worked at the Sainsbury Laboratory in the John Innes Centre in Norwich (UK) for two years studying nonhost resistance in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Rene continued his work in the field of plant-microbe-interaction at the Georg-August-University Göttingen (Germany) and obtained his PhD in molecular biology in 2011. As a postdoc he started working on resistance induction in grapevine plants at the State Institute of Viticulture and Oenology in Freiburg (WBI), Germany. Since 2015, he is the head of the section of Plant Pathology and Diagnosis at the State Institute of Viticulture and Oenology in Freiburg. His research interests are focused on the biology of the biotrophic grapevine pathogen Plasmopara viticola and its control especially in organic viticulture. In addition his team is also working on other grapevine diseases such as viruses, powdery mildew and Esca. Rene first joined the IOBC-WPRS “Integrated Protection in Viticulture” in 2016.
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