A survey of the mite fauna of Greek flour mills
€ 0.00
Nickolas E. Palyvos
Pages: 123-125
Abstract: The mite fauna of 11 Greek flour mills was studied during 2004-2005. A total of 70samples were examined from the following groups of stored products: I. animal fodder (wheat,maize), II. flour and bran, and III. residues. The taxa collected were categorized using the criteriaof dominance and frequency. Approximately 46% of the samples examined carried miteinfestations and 26 taxa of mites were identified belonging to 10 families and 3 orders. Thehighest percentage of infestation was recorded in residues (68.2%). Fewer infestations occurredin animal fodder and flour. Tyrophagus putrescentiae (Schrank), Lepidoglyphus destructor(Schrank) and Acarus siro L. were dominant and accidental whereas Gohieria fusca (Oudemans)and Tydeus sp. were influent and accidental.