A threshold for early termination of fungicide treatments to control scab (Venturia pirina) on Conference pears based on disease history and growth level
€ 0.00
Marc Trapman, Vincent Philion
Pages: 47-50
Abstract: The moderately pear scab susceptible pear variety ‘Conference’ is the most important cultivar grown in northwest Europe and requires frequent fungicide application if high inoculum levels are present in the orchard. From previous work with bagged fruit in 2011 and 2012, we concluded that fruit infections on ‘Conference’ mainly occurred within the first weeks after flowering. Practical experience also indicated that scab control could be more difficult in orchards with a high growth level, or a history of severe pear scab. In these situations, treatments during summer still contributed to disease control. In 2012, 2013 and 2014, trials were organised in commercial IPM and Organic orchards in The Netherlands and Belgium to find relations between the last treatment which significantly contributed to scab control in these orchards, and orchard factors as disease history, growth level and fertilisation.