Biennial cropping – the answer to improved IPM in raspberry?
€ 0.00
N. Trandem, A. Stensvand, A. Sønsteby, D. H. Christensen, S. Huseby, J. Haslestad
Pages: 33-35
Abstract: In a biennial cropping system of red raspberry, primocanes and floricanes are grown in separate rows. This separation, including the removal of all canes in a row after harvest, disrupts the life cycle of most pests and diseases. Growing primocanes and floricanes in different parts of the farm would further impede the build-up of pests and pathogens. The potential of this growing system in reducing pest and disease problems in summer raspberry as compared to the traditional system with growing primocanes and floricanes in the same rows should be investigated further. Other advantages are reduced labour costs and more berries produced per floricane. For biennial cropping to become more popular, these advantages must be shown to outweigh the loss of yield per ha of raspberry which is likely to occur when each row is only harvested every second year.