Biological control of greenhouse whitefly on roses with phytoseiid mites
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Hans Hoogerbrugge, Yvonne van Houten, Markus Knapp, Karel Bolckmans
Pages: 59-63
Abstract: The predatory mites Amblyseius swirskii, Amblydromalus limonicus, Transeiusmontdorensis and Euseius ovalis were evaluated as biological control agent of Trialeurodesvaporariorum on roses. When A. swirskii, A. limonicus and E. ovalis were released on separateplants in the same cage, E. ovalis increased to higher population levels than A. swirskii andA. limonicus but was not able to control the whiteflies. When A. swirskii, A. limonicus andT. montdorensis were released in separate cages, A. limonicus achieved a better control of whiteflypopulations than the other two predatory mites. In both cage trials only A. limonicus successfullycontrolled T. vaporariorum.