Biological control of greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum byentomopathogenic fungus Lecanicillium spp. hybrid strain in greenhouse
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Daigo Aiuchi, Sayaka Horie, Toshihiro Watanabe, Satoshi Yamanaka and Masanori Koike
Pages: 255-258
Abstract: The utility of Lecanicillium spp. hybrid strain 2aF43 which shown to have high controlpotential at in vitro, to control greenhouse whitefly on tomato and cucumber foliage ingreenhouse were investigated. The fungal epiphytic ability on the leaf surface wassimultaneously evaluated. On tomato foliage, the number of adult whitefly in a control plotsignificantly increased to 130 adults/leaf during 12 weeks. Whereas in 2aF43 and Mycotalformulationplots, adult density was remained extremely low level (0 to 2 adults/leaf) for 10weeks. In addition, on cucumber foliage, both fungal strains application resulted in lower densityof adults (under 2 adults/leaf) compared to control plot for 5 weeks. The density of 2aF43propagules on both plant foliages was significantly higher than formulated Mycotal. Especially,2aF43 was detected in high density (6.6×104 cfu/cm2) on tomato foliage, indicating possibilitythat not only persisting, this strain also growing on foliage under given conditions. Evidencesuggested that hybrid strain 2aF43 has the potential for controlling early occurrence ofgreenhouse whitefly and the possibility for long term effect in greenhouse use.