Biological control strategy of codling moth with entomopathogenic nematodes in organic and conventional farming
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Delphine Juan, Jean-Baptiste Rouvière, Sandrine Mouton, Philippe Coulomb
Pages: 119-124
Abstract: The emergence of resistant codling moth strains to the Cydia pomonella Granulosis Virus is a threat to control this pest in organic farming. The research of new biocontrol agents is a high stake to propose alternative solutions to farmers.On one hand, the efficacy of two entomopathogenic nematode species (Steinernema feltiae and Steinernema carpocapsae) was evaluated using different exposure methods, against various life stages of the codling moth. In order to simulate the exposure of larvae in apple, young apples were soaked in solutions of various concentrations of each nematodes species at several dates after the sting of 1st instar larvae. This study was completed in 2008 with a test under natural conditions. 5th instar larvae in cocoons were exposed within cardboard strips on which nematode solutions were sprayed under laboratory conditions to check the importance of temperature on the control of codling moth with entomopathogenic nematodes. This test under laboratory conditions was completed with a spray application on the ground in an orchard, where 5th instar larvae in cardboard strips had been buried. S. feltiae has caused a higher mortality on larvae in apples under laboratory and natural conditions. On fifth instar larvae and at temperature