Biosolarisation and grafting as a way to mitigate the selectionof virulent populations of Meloidogyne incognita in pepper
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Caridad Ros, Celia Martínez-Mora, Fulgencio Sánchez, Carmen María Lacasa, Maria del Mar Guerrero, Alfredo Lacasa
Pages: 113-116
Abstract: Since the prohibition of methyl bromide as a soil fumigant to control Meloidogyneincognita, the use of rootstocks carrying resistance genes (Me1 and Me7) to mitigate the effectsof nematode could be an alternative strategy. However, the continuous use of rootstocks in agiven soil has led to the selection of some virulent populations. To prevent the selection ofvirulent M. incognita, are tested the combination of grafting on resistant rootstocks (carrying thegene Me7) and soil biosolarisation. A bioassay comparing the use of methyl bromide andbiosolarisation in presence of grafted or ungrafted plants of pepper in two different sanitaryconditions (presence or not of virulent nematodes) was performed in the region of Murcia, inSpain for 3 consecutive years. The results show that in highly contaminated situation the resistantrootstocks and the fumigation methods, alone or in combination may reduce but not prevent theattacks of virulent Meloidogyne incognita while in less infested area, the combination ofbiosolarisation with resistant rootstocks prevented the selection of virulent nematodes and mayallow a sustainable pepper production.