Characterization and effect of bioactive compounds from luminescent mushroom, Neonothopanus nambi Speg. on root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita Chitwood) of vegetables
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Sureeporn Bua-art , Boossaracum Udomsak, Nuchanart Tangchitsomkid, Weerasak Saksirirat, Somdej Kanokmedhakul, Ratsami Lekprom
Pages: 343-349
Abstract: Dry mycelium and culture filtrate from 3 isolates (PW1, PW2 and KKU) ofluminescent mushroom (Neonothopanus nambi) were extracted in order to obtain bioactivecompounds. Extraction using dry mycelium derived bioactive compound powder more than usingculture filtrate with extraction efficiency of 8.7-12.9%. The effect of bioactive compound wasinvestigated on infectious larvae (J2) of root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) inlaboratory. The result showed that bioactive compound at concentration 500mg/l caused 100%mortality of J2 in 1 min. Concentrations of 100 and 50mg/l affected J2 causing significantlymortalities of 100% in 30 min and 48h, respectively. Effect of this bioactive compound on J2 wasalso confirmed in screened house experiment and found that concentrations of 100 and 500mg/lsuppressed evidently J2 without root-knot symptom on tomato plants. Root-knot score 1 wasdetectable on tomato plants treated with the compound of 10 and 50mg/l. However, it wassignificantly (P < 0.05) from control treatment, which exhibited root-knot score 4. Themushroom spawn was also tested on control of root-knot nematode with chili plant under greenhousecondition. Spawn of 10, 20, 30, 40 and 40g/plant were infested in chili plants grown inpots. Galling percentage was evaluated on 30 days after treated with spawn. The result indicatedthat all rate of spawn suppressed root galling. In particular, the treatment of 10g/plant reducedsignificantly (P < 0.05) 85% (galling index 12%). While in control and chemical treatments,galling indexes were 75 and 60%, respectively. This study suggests the efficiency and potentialof the application of bioactive compound from N. nambi for control root-knot nematode.