Comparison between different trap types for Drosophila suzukii in cherry orchards
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G. Vaccari, S. Caruso, C. Nouhaud, L. Maistrello
Pages: 211-214
Abstract: In 2013 an experiment was carried out to compare six types of similar size traps baited with the same food attractant (“DroskiDrink”), differing for their shape and the number of entry holes. Four of the traps are already/will be soon available on the market, two of them being marketed specifically for SWD (“Drosotrap new®” and “Drosotrap®” by BIOBEST), and two being marketed for other pests (“Taptrap®” and “Vasotrap®” by Roberto Carello). The other two traps were specifically designed and hand-made on purpose (Kartell red and Bot). The trial was performed in a cherry orchard in Vignola (Modena Province, Northern Italy), area of IGP cherries; traps were placed according to a completely randomized block design and their position was changed weekly. The number of captured Drosophila suzukii (SWD) and that of other insect taxa was recorded weekly.After the first year, results show that the traps with the best performance in terms of early season captures and total number of SWD catches were “Drosotrap new” and “Bot”. However, the low selectivity towards other insect types and the uneasiness of use suggest the need of further research to improve the efficacy of these traps.