Control of codling moth (Cydia pomonella) under the aspects of active mating disruption, different application systems and varieties
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Barbara Schildberger, Lothar Wurm, Eva Vogl, Manfred Kickenweiz
Pages: 431-434
Abstract: Alongside standard systems of mating disruption, the activity of Exosex CM and EcodianĀ® under different application systems and on several varieties were tested in 2007 and 2008 at the research station of the Federal College and Institute for Viticulture and Pomology, Klosterneuburg. Standard mating disruption techniques usually rely on the introduction of amounts of pheromone similar to those emitted by natural populations of pest species into the atmosphere. Exosex CM significantly reduces deployment time and labour costs in the orchards, additionally the flexibility of integrating this technique with IPM programmes was tested. EcodianĀ® dispensers were distributed at a rate of 2000 dispensers/ha. The tube dispensers of pheromone (Exosex CM) were placed in a three hectare orchard, which was split into three trial fields: one left untreated, one where the first generation was treated and one in which all generations of codling moth (Cydia pomonella) were treated. Additionally, in 2008 different application systems were used. EcodianĀ® was tested on one hectare and compared with untreated areas. The assessments to quantify efficacy were made visually on windfall fruits, fruits on the tree and on all fruits at harvest and statistically evaluated. In 2007, among the fruits sprayed within the IPM system there was an infestation rate by the first generation on the variety Idared of 0.8%. The second generation treated with Exosex showed an infestation of 13%. In the biological trial, however, the infestation by the first generation was about 4% and the infestation by the second generation about 31%. The 2008 results were comparable to those of 2007.