Culex sp. oviposition pheromone: a review on its synthesis and behavioural studies
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Stefanos S. Andreadis and Antonios Michaelakis
Pages: 199-206
Abstract: Mosquitoes of the genus Culex are considered as major vectors of many arboviruses that cause human diseases all over the world, such as, West Nile Virus, Japanese encephalitis, St. Louis encephalitis, and Western equine encephalitis. Female Culex mosquitoes form a droplet at the apex of each egg, which affects the oviposition behaviour of intraspecific gravid females. The main volatile compound, present in the apical droplets of the egg rafts, is the (–)-(5R,6S)-6-acetoxy-5-hexadecanolide. The current review article presents the most important approaches that have been developed for the synthesis of the Culex sp. oviposition pheromone. Moreover, we focus on bioassays methods that have been employed under different conditions concerning the use of synthetic Culex sp. oviposition pheromone.