Defining transformation events for gene drive in species complexes
€ 5.00
J. B. Connoll
Pages: 8-20
Abstract: Engineered gene drives (EGDs) that allow the super-Mendelian inheritance of
genetic traits could one day be used to reduce the vectorial capacity of Anopheles species that
transmit human malaria in Africa. Many Anopheles species belong to complexes of closely
related sibling species that can produce fertile interspecific hybrid females. In cases where the
genomic target locus of the EGD is conserved amongst sibling species from the same complex
as the released target species, it would therefore be plausible that the EGD could be vertically
transmitted from the target species to sibling species by interspecific mating. To differentiate
genetically modified organisms, the term ‘transformation event’ is used, based on the specific
genomic location of the transgenic construct, as a result of random genomic integration. In
contrast, an EGD is generated via its precise and reproducible insertion in its specific genomic target locus. These considerations pose two key questions for the use of EGD in species complexes: (i) what does the definition of “transformation event” mean in the context of vertical gene drive transfer of the EGD to sibling species in species complexes and (ii) does de novo transformation of an EGD into a sibling species constitute the same transformation event as introgression by backcrossing into a sibling species of an EGD that had been originally transformed in the target species? While definitions of the term transformation event that have been provided by national and intergovernmental organisations are somewhat ambiguous, they do provide scope for broad interpretation of vertical gene drive transfer of a specific EGD to different sibling species of the target species as the same transformation event. There also appears to be some consensus that definitions of transformation event support the notion that de novo transformations of an EGD in sibling species constitute the same transformation events as introgression by backcrossing into sibling species of an EGD that had been originally inserted in the target species.