Effectiveness of two attractants against the olive fruit fly(Bactrocera oleae Gmel.) and their impact on the arthropods community


Abstract: In this study the efficacy of different combinations of traps and attractants against theolive fruit fly, Bactrocera oleae (Gmel.), were compared. In 2007 were compared: a mixture ofnulure protein (9%) and sodium borate (3%) in two types of traps (Easy-Trap and Tephriecological),and diammonium phosphate (4%) in McPhail traps. In 2008, two additionalcombinations were included: the commercial attractant Tephri-lure (12%) with Easy-Trap andTephri-ecological trap. Four traps were used for each combination, in both years and traps wereplaced at random in consecutive trees. The olive grove was in a mountain area, in themunicipality of Los Villares (Spain), usually with high olive fruit fly attack. In 2007 the trapswere placed from 7 September to 30 November and in 2008 from 30 July to 12 November.Captures of Bactrocera oleae, as well as of predators and parasitoids were recorded and thediversity was calculated taking into account data from all the specimens captured, as a measure ofselectivity: the higher the diversity the lower the selectivity of traps. The results show that themost effective attractant in the capture of Bactrocera oleae is Tephri-lure, regardless of the trap(Easy-trap and Tephri-ecological trap). Tephri-lure is the attractant capturing less predators perolive fruit fly captures, and its impact on parasitoids is negligible. The lowest biodiversity ofcaptures (excluding olive fly) was registered for Easy-trap and therefore this trap has the lowestimpact on arthropod community.

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