Efficacy evaluation of RAK 2 PRO dispensers against Lobesia botrana on Sultani Cekirdeksiz grapes in Turkey


Abstract: The efficacy of RAK 2 PRO has been tested against the European grapevine moth (EGVM), Lobesia botrana (Den. & Schiff.), the key pest of grape, in comparison with Isonet L dispensers registered in Manisa, Turkey. By the emergence of the first EGVM adult, 600 RAK 2 PRO and 650 Isonet L dispensers/ha – including borders – were installed once a year. One chemically treated vineyard was used to compare infestation levels in the same location. EGVM adults have been monitored in all plots by pheromone traps from the beginning of the flight until harvest. Infestation rates were compared. We indicated that only 7 ha-border part of RAK 2 PRO test area showed an infestation rate of 6-7% and needed an insecticide treatment in 2009 due to later dispenser installation in the buffer area. RAK 2 PRO dispensers showed sufficient efficacy against the pest without additional treatment in 2010, since the population density of the pest has been taken under control by two year-successive mating disruption applications. Average infestation rates of EGVM have been 1.6 and 1.78% at harvest in 2009 and 2010, respectively. Comparison treatment by Isonet L had an excellent performance both in 2009 and 2010 with no infestation and no complementary treatment in its plot. EGVM infestation has been maintained at zero level by sprayings five and seven times in the conventional vineyard in 2009 and 2010, respectively. In RAK 2 PRO dispensers, 334 mg of pheromone has been released until 6 August 2009, whereas 304 mg of pheromone has been released until 9 August 2010.

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