EFSA’s work on the safety assessment of genetically modified animals
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Yann Devos, Anna Christodoulidou, Christina Ehlert, Antonio Fernandez-Dumont, Yi Liu, Nancy Podevin, Karine Lheureux, Elisabeth Waigmann
Pages: 33-36
Abstract: Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and derived food and feed products aresubject to a risk analysis before they can be placed on the market in the European Union. In thisrisk analysis process, the role of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) is to independentlyevaluate the risk assessment provided by applicants and to provide scientific advice to riskmanagers on any possible risks of GMOs to human and animal health and the environment.EFSA’s scientific advice is elaborated by its GMO Panel with the scientific support of severalWorking Groups and its GMO Unit. This paper describes EFSA’s activities pertaining to thesafety assessment of GM animals, with a focus on GM fish, GM insects and GM mammals andbirds.