Eight years of practical experience with mating disruption to control grape berry moth, Lobesia botrana, in Porto Wine Region
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Cristina Carlos, Fernando Alves, Laura Torres
Pages: 405-409
Abstract: Since 2000 the mating disruption technique has been applied to control Lobesia botrana (Den. & Schiff.) in the Porto Wine Region. ISONET-L dispensers have been used in plots whose surface ranged from 3.0 to 25.0 ha. The average percentage of male disorientation for the 8-year experimental period ranged from 80.5 to 100%, being 100% in 55.5% of the 72 sampling periods studied. However, the rate of reduction obtained in larval infestation by the pest, even in favourable conditions (large areas and continuous application), was variable. Some constraints to the technique have been identified, such as the high biotic potential of the species, the high summer temperatures and the local orography (high steepness). In this paper, the results are critically discussed and weak spots are analyzed, as a basis for identifying the real possibilities of the technique in the Porto Wine Region.