Endophytic and epiphytic bacteria associated with Sphagnum mossesas perspective objects for agricultural biotechnology


Abstract: The aim of this study was to isolate promising bacterial strains associated withSphagnum mosses possessing beneficial properties for agricultural crops as perspective objectsfor agricultural biotechnology. Previously it was shown that Sphagnum mosses are associatedwith unique microorganisms which have important functions for Sphagnum mosses and for thebog ecosystem as a whole. Study was focused on sampling of two Sphagnum species from bogslocated at different geographical areas of the Kolskyi peninsula (Russia) and Alps mountains(Austria) which plays a different ecological role in the ecosystem of bogs. About 150 strains ofbacteria were isolated from the tissues of Sphagnum plants, their culture and morphologyproperties have been investigated. Antagonistic properties of isolated strains against a number ofphytopathogenic fungi and bacteria have been studied. It was shown that more than 60% of allisolates demonstrated strong antifungal properties (in vitro). Strains capable of promoting plantgrowth,grow on the nitrogen-free medium and solubilize of not soluble phosphates were selected.Selected strains can be used for further study in greenhouse experiments with agricultural crops.

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