Field evaluation of the nucleopolyhedrovirus preparation Littovir®against the cotton leafworm Spodoptera littoralis
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Edith Ladurner, Iris Kraaz, Daniel Zingg, Massimo Benuzzi
Pages: 297-303
Abstract: Littovir® is a new nucleopolyhedrovirus-based insecticide for the control of the cottonleafworm, Spodoptera littoralis, which can cause severe damage on many horticultural andornamental crops. Over the last years, numerous studies have been conducted to evaluate theefficacy of the product against this target pest. The results obtained in the most recent trials,conducted on strawberry, lettuce and bell pepper, are reported. Littovir® always resulted in asignificant reduction of S. littoralis damage in comparison to the untreated control, with efficacyvalues being comparable to those of the reference treatments. Due to its favourable toxicologicaland ecotoxicological profile and the absence MRL requirements, the microbial control agent canbe considered a valuable tool to be included into organic and integrated plant protection strategiesand in resistance management programs for S. littoralis.