First report of Alternaria sp. associated with branch canker of Quercus coccifera L. in Tunisia
€ 5.00
Sawssen Hlaiem, Islem Yangui, Hadil Khadraoui, Olfa Ezzine, Mohamed Lahbib Ben Jamâa
Pages: 147-150
Abstract: Forest trees for instance are attacked by numerous pathogenic fungi causing a
significant disease with ecological impact on a large variety of host plants. In Tunisian forest,
field surveys showed a progressive dieback on Quercus coccifera trees and branch canker. In
order to identify the causal agent, symptomatic branches were collected and transferred to the laboratory for fungal isolation. Cultural and morphological characteristics identified the fungus as Alternaria sp. The findings obtained in this study allowed us to expand knowledge on the kermes oak pathogens.