Fytotoxweb: online database of Belgian trial results with plant protection products in ornamental plants
€ 0.00
Marc Vissers, Joachim Audenaert, Bruno Gobin
Pages: 235-238
Abstract: The high diversity of ornamental plants and the market’s zero tolerance for leaf damage requires sufficiently effective plant protection products and a good knowledge about potential phytotoxic effects of spray applications. We perform yearly trials at both registration (EPPO) and screening level to ensure that growers have adequate information on the risks of specific products to specific plant cultivars. This information is collated into a searchable database to allow easy access for growers.Data was collated from replicated efficacy trials, side effect trials and annual screening trials of the PCS. In a screening trial, all growers of potted plants and bedding plants are asked to send in currently grown cultivars. In this way, growers quickly obtain information on the use of the newest compounds on their own plant species. Yearly, about 10 chemical compounds were screened on 50 up to 100 plant species.All these trials generated a mass of information which made it necessary to develop a tool by which the test results can be found quickly. ‘Fytotoxweb’ was created as a web page for the growers of indoor ornamental plants, with the aim to easily find all our test results by searching by product name or plant name.Consultations on this website provide the following trial information for each ‘plant/product combination’: visible crop damage, growth retardation or spray residue, and since 2014 also efficacy and side effect results; all these data are based on results of the PCS research station. In addition background information of the relevant trial details are displayed: the plant size, number of treatments, spray dosage, climate data, the names and contact information of the responsible researchers etc.This website was originally created for growers, but other interested parties such as advisers, researchers, producers and authorization holders of plant protection products, can consult ‘Fytotoxweb’, too. Access to the database requires PCS membership.