Grapevine protection: from proof of concepts to pre-industrial biofungicides
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Oscar Giovannini, Michele Perazzolli, Gerardo Puopolo, Livia Zanotelli, Dario Angeli, Carmela Sicher, Andrea Nesler, Ilaria Pertot
Pages: 70-72
Abstract: New low-impact molecules or BCAs are continually developed to answer at the high request of more eco-friendly biofungicides. Only few of them are able to substitute pre-existing pesticide and become registered bio-fungicides with a formulation study that promise a good efficacy over time. Fondazione Edmund Mach, and in particular our group, optimised the “modus operandi” in order to validate a potential biofungicide with lab proof results on leaf disks and greenhouse and field trials on grapevine plants. A lot of products, coming from internal or external projects or important pharmaceutical companies, were tested from the lab to the field, through the greenhouse until the pre-registration stage and some became a commercial product. The data collected are necessary to complete the Dossier of the products.