Harmful and potentially harmful species of eriophyoid mites in Serbia
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Biljana Vidović, Tatjana Cvrković, Slavica Marinković, Nikola Anđelković, Radmila Petanović
Pages: 76-77
Abstract: Eriophyoid mites (Acari: Eriophyoidea) are the most numerous phytophagous mites and are among the most harmful mites in agriculture, forestry and urban horticulture. So far, 418 species of these obligate phytophagous mites have been recorded in the Serbian fauna. More than 20 species are considered as plant pests in agriculture, with six of them acting as vectors of plant viruses. Additionally, around 40 species are known to cause damage to forest plantations, nurseries, and ornamental plants. The most harmful eriophyoids in horticulture include: Phyllocoptes gracilis (Nal.) in raspberry orchards, Acalitus phloeocoptes (Nal.), Aculus fockeui (Nal. et Trt.), a complex of rust mite species, and gall forming Eriophyes spp. affecting stone fruit, Epitrimerus pyri (Nal.) and Aculus schlechtendali (Nal.), russet mite pests in pear and apple orchards, respectively, russet mite Calepitrimerus vitis (Nal.) and erineum mite Colomerus vitis (Pgst.) as pests in vineyards and four pest species on nut trees, Phytoptus avellanae (Nal.), Cecidophyopsis vermiformis (Nal.), Aceria erinea (Nal.) and A. tristriata (Nal.). The most harmful eriophyoids in floriculture are Aceria tulipae (K.), Cecidophyopsis hendersoni (K.), Paraphytoptus chrysanthemi K. and Aceria cladophthira (Nal.). Among the pests of urban greenery, the most important alien species are: Aceria petanovicae (Nal.), Aculops gleditsiae (K.), Aculus ligustri (K.), Aculops allotrichus (Nal.), Reckella celtis Bagd., Shevtchhenkella brevisetosa (Hodgkiss), and Vasates quadripedes Shimer. The recently registered Aceria pyracanthi (Can.), Aceria magnoliae (K.), Rhyncaphytoptus platani K., Cecidophyes psilonotus (Nal.) and Aculops sophorae Kuang are pontentionaly harmful in urban horticulture, while Eriophyes mali Nal., Aceria kuko (Kishida) and Aceria fici Cotte have been registered as new potential orchard pests in Serbia. In this presentation, the distribution, symptoms and harmfulness of these pests are discussed.