Individual Membership, reduced fee
€ 50.00
Reduced Individual Membership Fees for students and for colleagues from selected countries of the West Palaearctic Regional Section
To facilitate the participation of young scientists and of colleagues from the southern part of WPRS, the individual membership fee will be reduced to 50 EURO per year for students* and for residents of the following countries**: Algeria, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey and Yemen.
*Student membership status will be confirmed, when a copy of a valid student card, together with a letter of a referent professor is received by the Treasurer.
**These countries are defined according to the list of recipients of the Development Assistance Committee of OECD – ODA and will be updated every two years by the Treasurer.
Membership benefits are:
- Worldwide biocontrol and IPM collaboration network within IOBC
- Platform for your research and its implementation
- Free online access to IOBC-WPRS Bulletins and other publications
- Reduced registration fees for IOBC-WPRS meetings
- Reduced subscription fee for BioControl
- Individual membership to IOBC-Global included (10 EUR/year)
Individual members participate in the decision process of IOBC-WPRS. They are consulted:
- To elect the Council and the Executive Committee of IOBC-WPRS
- To take part in votes on important decisions taken during the General Assembly (every four years)
- To elect the Convener of a Working or a Study Group