Individual Membership
From: € 90.00
Individual membership is open to anyone interested in biological and/or integrated control.
Membership benefits are:
- Worldwide biocontrol and IPM collaboration network within IOBC
- Platform for your research and its implementation
- Free online access to IOBC-WPRS Bulletins and other publications
- Reduced registration fees for IOBC-WPRS meetings
- Reduced subscription fee for BioControl
- Individual membership to IOBC-Global included (10 EUR/year)
Individual members participate in the decision process of IOBC-WPRS. They are consulted:
- To elect the Council and the Executive Committee of IOBC-WPRS
- To take part in votes on important decisions taken during the General Assembly (every four years)
- To elect the Convener of a Working or a Study Group