Insect pests in asparagus; IPM perspectives!
€ 0.00
Klaas van Rozen and Hilfred Huiting
Pages: 56-60
Abstract: Resulting from Directive 2009/128/EC, all EU Member States have to comply with stricter guidelines regarding Integrated Pest Management before 2023. As implementation of IPM measures and strategies has a high perceived risk, demonstration of and discussion on possibilities may be a key element in reducing the risk perception. Together with Dutch asparagus growers and chain partners, WUR and Aceera initiated a grower’s network to examine and discuss pest status and possible risk of a number of insect pests in asparagus, and possible IPM solutions. Such networks are a Dutch government initiative, aiming at improved knowledge transfer from (applied) science to several crop sectors. In the asparagus network insect pest species were determined; pest status was estimated, simultaneously assessing the growers´ knowledge of the species. Subsequently a species specific approach was formulated and tested. Control strategy of the asparagus fly (Plioreocepta poeciloptera Schrank) was focused on a monitoring system, which was developed and validated by Applied Plant Research in 2012-2015. The presence and population pressure of the flies was determined in cooperation with farmers based on sticky trap catches. The asparagus beetle (Crioceris asparagi Linnaeus) was mainly controlled by all kinds of mechanical technics and natural enemies. This publication presents the outcome of this network with the new goals of the EU as background, that make implementation of new control methods necessary.