Insecticide selectivity tests on spider mite destroyer (Stethorus punctillum) (Weise)(Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) in laboratory conditions
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Gorzka, D. & Olszak, R. W.
Pages: 109-112
Abstract: Stethorus punctillum (Weise.) (Coleoptera: Coccinelidae) is an important predator ofspider mites occuring on fruit trees. During the season 2009, laboratory investigations were madeto assess the selectivity of three acaricides and three insecticides to adults of S. punctillum. Adultladybirds were sprayed with the acaricides propargite (Omite 570 EW), fenpyroximate (Ortus 05SC), spirodiclofen (Envidor 240 SC) and the insecticides thiametoxam (Actara 25 WG),thiacloprid (Calipso 480 SC) and acetamipride (Mospilan 20 SP) with the help of a Potter spraytower. The lowest mortalities were observed with spirodiclofen (Envidor 240 SC) andfenpyroximate (Ortus 05 SC)and the highest effects with thiacloprid and acetamiprid.