Vol. 158 ArticlePrecision pest management in olive groves
Pages: 1
€ 0.00Add to cartThree-year field trials for a sustainable approach in the control of olive fruit fly, Bactrocera oleae
Pages: 2-6
€ 0.00Add to cartComparing olive fruit fly (Bactrocera oleae) density, fruit damage levels and parasitism rates in organic and conventional olive orchards in Crete, Greece
Pages: 7-11
€ 0.00Add to cartAldehyde-containing clays and zeolites: a sustainable approach in the control of olive fruit fly, Bactrocera oleae
Pages: 12-13
€ 0.00Add to cartEffect of olive fruit size on the parasitism rates of Bactrocera oleae (Diptera: Tephritidae) by the figitid wasp Aganaspis daci (Hymenoptera: Figitidae), and first pilot field releases of adult parasitoids in an organic olive grove
Pages: 14
€ 0.00Add to cartThe use of semiochemicals in the olive grove: An essential tool
Pages: 16
€ 0.00Add to cartΤowards an RNA-based biocontrol approach of olive fruit fly
Pages: 17
€ 0.00Add to cartDo endophytes play a role in the olive tree susceptibility to fruit fly infestation?
Pages: 18
€ 0.00Add to cartEffects of γ-irradiation on Bactrocera oleae adults: survival, behavioural parameters and presence of the endosymbiont Candidatus Erwinia dacicola
Pages: 19
€ 0.00Add to cartField evaluation of the susceptibility of olive cultivars to Bactrocera oleae in Western Crete (Southern Greece)
Pages: 20
€ 0.00Add to cartDittrichia viscosa as a reservoir of Bactrocera oleae parasitoids
Pages: 21
€ 0.00Add to cartMating disruption of the olive moth (Prays oleae, Bernard) in olive groves using aerosol dispenser with synthetic sex pheromone
Pages: 22
€ 0.00Add to cartA selection of wild flowers to enhance Prays oleae natural enemies
Pages: 23-24
€ 0.00Add to cartThe impact of super-high density olive orchard management system on the main insect pests in Tuscany: a three-year survey
Pages: 25-29
€ 0.00Add to cartGeographic and temporal population dynamics of the olive anthracnose pathogens
Pages: 31
€ 0.00Add to cartFungal community diversity in leaves from two olive tree cultivars dissimilarly susceptible to anthracnose and to olive fruit-fly
Pages: 32-40
€ 0.00Add to cartMassive screening of natural and biological compounds to select the best candidates for biocontrol of Verticillium Wilt of Olive in the Mediterranean basin
Pages: 41-42
€ 0.00Add to cartInvestigating decline symptoms of Super-High-Density Oil Olive in the Northern San Joaquin Valley of California
Pages: 43
€ 0.00Add to cartThe status of Neofabraea leaf and shoot lesions, Pleurostoma decline and Anthracnose in super-high-density oil olive orchards in California
Pages: 44-49
€ 0.00Add to cartBehaviour response of Philaenus spumarius, the main vector of Xylella fastidiosa, to traditional Portuguese olive cultivars
Pages: 52
€ 0.00Add to cartEffect of temperature and host plant species on the juvenile development of Euscelis ohausi (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), a potential insect-vector of plant pathogens
Pages: 53
€ 0.00Add to cartBacteriome of Philaenus spumarius genitalia and its implication on insect’s host reproduction
Pages: 54-55
€ 0.00Add to cartDevelopment of a hybridization-based capture NGS assay to assess genome-wide diversity in Xylella fastidiosa infected samples
Pages: 56
€ 0.00Add to cartPlant endotherapy treatments enable the modification of xylem microbiome composition in olive trees
Pages: 57
€ 0.00Add to cartInvolvement of specific traits of olive beneficial rhizobacteria to protect against biotic and abiotic stresses
Pages: 58-59
€ 0.00Add to cartPopulation genetics and bacterial endosymbionts of Aphrophoridae putative vectors of Xylella fastidiosa and other Auchenorrhyncha species in Greece
Pages: 61-62
€ 0.00Add to cartDiversity and population dynamics of Xylella fastidiosa potential vectors in olive groves with different management systems
Pages: 63
€ 0.00Add to cartTraditional and intensive olive growing have differences in the approaches to defense against the most common pests: the results of the DI. OL. Project
Pages: 64-67
€ 0.00Add to cartThe impact of super-high density olive orchard management system on soil plant-parasitic nematodes in Central and South Italy
Pages: 68-72
€ 0.00Add to cartEmergence of L. rigidum with cover crops – contribution for IWM
Pages: 73
€ 0.00Add to cartWeed diversity in olive groves – shelter for insect vectors of Xylella fastidiosa
Pages: 74-77
€ 0.00Add to cartRemote Sensing: Assessing the differences between NDVI obtained in spring and autumn, in a mountain olive grove
Pages: 78
€ 0.00Add to cartLooking for insect vectors of Xylella fastidiosa: finding them and other insects. A survey in Portuguese olive groves
Pages: 79-83
€ 0.00Add to cartA tritrophic interaction model for an olive tree pest, the olive moth – Prays oleae (Bernard)
Pages: 84
€ 0.00Add to cartGround cover vegetation composition predicts the abundance of Sphaerophoria scripta (Linnaeus, 1758) (Diptera: Syrphidae) in olive groves from Trás-os-Montes region (Portugal)
Pages: 86
€ 0.00Add to cartBiological treatments enhancing the plant immune system of olive (Olea europaea) against Verticillium dahliae
Pages: 87-88
€ 0.00Add to cartSelection of endophytes as antagonists of Colletotrichum acutatum and elucidation of their mode of action
Pages: 89
€ 0.00Add to cartBehavioral responses of female Bactrocera oleae flies to honeydew
Pages: 90
€ 0.00Add to cartDevelopment of a PCR-based diagnostic method to detect DNA of Philaenus (Hemiptera: Aphrophoridae), vector of Xylella fastidiosa, in the gut of spiders
Pages: 91
€ 0.00Add to cartPhylogenetic analysis of Hypocreales strains isolated from olive trees, a fungal order known to harbour promising biocontrol agents
Pages: 92
€ 0.00Add to cartScreening of potential biocontrol endophytes and epiphytes against olive knot disease
Pages: 93
€ 0.00Add to cartAssessment of physiological traits of olive trees infected by Xylella fastidiosa subspecies
Pages: 94
€ 0.00Add to cartPredatory potential of Forficulidae (Dermaptera) on the olive fly Bactrocera oleae
Pages: 95
€ 0.00Add to cartContribution to the study of the beneficial fauna of olive orchards in Porto Martins, Terceira Island, Azores
Pages: 96-103
€ 0.00Add to cartA micronutrient fertilizer affects the survival of Bactrocera oleae adults and puparia emergence in laboratory
Pages: 104-111
€ 0.00Add to cartIdentification of endophytes and of their volatile compounds with biocontrol potential towards olive anthracnose
Pages: 112
€ 0.00Add to cartExploitation of endophytes of centenarian olive trees in the management of olive knot disease
Pages: 113
€ 0.00Add to cart
Precision pest management in olive groves
Pages: 1
€ 0.00Add to cartThree-year field trials for a sustainable approach in the control of olive fruit fly, Bactrocera oleae
Pages: 2-6
€ 0.00Add to cartComparing olive fruit fly (Bactrocera oleae) density, fruit damage levels and parasitism rates in organic and conventional olive orchards in Crete, Greece
Pages: 7-11
€ 0.00Add to cartAldehyde-containing clays and zeolites: a sustainable approach in the control of olive fruit fly, Bactrocera oleae
Pages: 12-13
€ 0.00Add to cartEffect of olive fruit size on the parasitism rates of Bactrocera oleae (Diptera: Tephritidae) by the figitid wasp Aganaspis daci (Hymenoptera: Figitidae), and first pilot field releases of adult parasitoids in an organic olive grove
Pages: 14
€ 0.00Add to cartThe use of semiochemicals in the olive grove: An essential tool
Pages: 16
€ 0.00Add to cartΤowards an RNA-based biocontrol approach of olive fruit fly
Pages: 17
€ 0.00Add to cartDo endophytes play a role in the olive tree susceptibility to fruit fly infestation?
Pages: 18
€ 0.00Add to cartEffects of γ-irradiation on Bactrocera oleae adults: survival, behavioural parameters and presence of the endosymbiont Candidatus Erwinia dacicola
Pages: 19
€ 0.00Add to cartField evaluation of the susceptibility of olive cultivars to Bactrocera oleae in Western Crete (Southern Greece)
Pages: 20
€ 0.00Add to cartDittrichia viscosa as a reservoir of Bactrocera oleae parasitoids
Pages: 21
€ 0.00Add to cartMating disruption of the olive moth (Prays oleae, Bernard) in olive groves using aerosol dispenser with synthetic sex pheromone
Pages: 22
€ 0.00Add to cartA selection of wild flowers to enhance Prays oleae natural enemies
Pages: 23-24
€ 0.00Add to cartThe impact of super-high density olive orchard management system on the main insect pests in Tuscany: a three-year survey
Pages: 25-29
€ 0.00Add to cartGeographic and temporal population dynamics of the olive anthracnose pathogens
Pages: 31
€ 0.00Add to cartFungal community diversity in leaves from two olive tree cultivars dissimilarly susceptible to anthracnose and to olive fruit-fly
Pages: 32-40
€ 0.00Add to cartMassive screening of natural and biological compounds to select the best candidates for biocontrol of Verticillium Wilt of Olive in the Mediterranean basin
Pages: 41-42
€ 0.00Add to cartInvestigating decline symptoms of Super-High-Density Oil Olive in the Northern San Joaquin Valley of California
Pages: 43
€ 0.00Add to cartThe status of Neofabraea leaf and shoot lesions, Pleurostoma decline and Anthracnose in super-high-density oil olive orchards in California
Pages: 44-49
€ 0.00Add to cartBehaviour response of Philaenus spumarius, the main vector of Xylella fastidiosa, to traditional Portuguese olive cultivars
Pages: 52
€ 0.00Add to cartEffect of temperature and host plant species on the juvenile development of Euscelis ohausi (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), a potential insect-vector of plant pathogens
Pages: 53
€ 0.00Add to cartBacteriome of Philaenus spumarius genitalia and its implication on insect’s host reproduction
Pages: 54-55
€ 0.00Add to cartDevelopment of a hybridization-based capture NGS assay to assess genome-wide diversity in Xylella fastidiosa infected samples
Pages: 56
€ 0.00Add to cartPlant endotherapy treatments enable the modification of xylem microbiome composition in olive trees
Pages: 57
€ 0.00Add to cartInvolvement of specific traits of olive beneficial rhizobacteria to protect against biotic and abiotic stresses
Pages: 58-59
€ 0.00Add to cartPopulation genetics and bacterial endosymbionts of Aphrophoridae putative vectors of Xylella fastidiosa and other Auchenorrhyncha species in Greece
Pages: 61-62
€ 0.00Add to cartDiversity and population dynamics of Xylella fastidiosa potential vectors in olive groves with different management systems
Pages: 63
€ 0.00Add to cartTraditional and intensive olive growing have differences in the approaches to defense against the most common pests: the results of the DI. OL. Project
Pages: 64-67
€ 0.00Add to cartThe impact of super-high density olive orchard management system on soil plant-parasitic nematodes in Central and South Italy
Pages: 68-72
€ 0.00Add to cartEmergence of L. rigidum with cover crops – contribution for IWM
Pages: 73
€ 0.00Add to cartWeed diversity in olive groves – shelter for insect vectors of Xylella fastidiosa
Pages: 74-77
€ 0.00Add to cartRemote Sensing: Assessing the differences between NDVI obtained in spring and autumn, in a mountain olive grove
Pages: 78
€ 0.00Add to cartLooking for insect vectors of Xylella fastidiosa: finding them and other insects. A survey in Portuguese olive groves
Pages: 79-83
€ 0.00Add to cartA tritrophic interaction model for an olive tree pest, the olive moth – Prays oleae (Bernard)
Pages: 84
€ 0.00Add to cartGround cover vegetation composition predicts the abundance of Sphaerophoria scripta (Linnaeus, 1758) (Diptera: Syrphidae) in olive groves from Trás-os-Montes region (Portugal)
Pages: 86
€ 0.00Add to cartBiological treatments enhancing the plant immune system of olive (Olea europaea) against Verticillium dahliae
Pages: 87-88
€ 0.00Add to cartSelection of endophytes as antagonists of Colletotrichum acutatum and elucidation of their mode of action
Pages: 89
€ 0.00Add to cartBehavioral responses of female Bactrocera oleae flies to honeydew
Pages: 90
€ 0.00Add to cartDevelopment of a PCR-based diagnostic method to detect DNA of Philaenus (Hemiptera: Aphrophoridae), vector of Xylella fastidiosa, in the gut of spiders
Pages: 91
€ 0.00Add to cartPhylogenetic analysis of Hypocreales strains isolated from olive trees, a fungal order known to harbour promising biocontrol agents
Pages: 92
€ 0.00Add to cartScreening of potential biocontrol endophytes and epiphytes against olive knot disease
Pages: 93
€ 0.00Add to cartAssessment of physiological traits of olive trees infected by Xylella fastidiosa subspecies
Pages: 94
€ 0.00Add to cartPredatory potential of Forficulidae (Dermaptera) on the olive fly Bactrocera oleae
Pages: 95
€ 0.00Add to cartContribution to the study of the beneficial fauna of olive orchards in Porto Martins, Terceira Island, Azores
Pages: 96-103
€ 0.00Add to cartA micronutrient fertilizer affects the survival of Bactrocera oleae adults and puparia emergence in laboratory
Pages: 104-111
€ 0.00Add to cartIdentification of endophytes and of their volatile compounds with biocontrol potential towards olive anthracnose
Pages: 112
€ 0.00Add to cartExploitation of endophytes of centenarian olive trees in the management of olive knot disease
Pages: 113
€ 0.00Add to cart