Vol. 54 ArticleIntegrated Production: where is it and where is it going?
Pages: 3
€ 0.00Add to cartDisease management in organic apple orchards is more than applying the right product at the correct time
Pages: 4
€ 0.00Add to cartDesigning cropping systems to achieve Integrated Fruit Production goals
Pages: 5-8
€ 0.00Add to cartDeveloping a Protocol and a Marketing Niche for EcoApples in NY State
Pages: 9-12
€ 0.00Add to cartAnalyzing the results of a biodiversity experiment: Enhancing parasitism of Platynota idaeusalis (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)
Pages: 13
€ 0.00Add to cartGenetic modification of apple to control diseases
Pages: 15-16
€ 0.00Add to cartDispersal estimates of codling moth fertilized females in a French farm based on kinship assessments
Pages: 19-23
€ 0.00Add to cartObservations on the phenology of codling moth in untreated orchards in the Netherlands and Belgium
Pages: 24
€ 0.00Add to cartDifferences among Cacopsylla melanoneura Förster (Homoptera: Psyllidae) insight from molecular markers
Pages: 25
€ 0.00Add to cartWhole-farm infestation trends and management programs for obliquebanded leafroller in apples
Pages: 27-30
€ 0.00Add to cartPopulation dynamics of Anarsia lineatella and their relation to crop damage in Northern Greece IPM peach orchards: towards the development of EIL
Pages: 31-32
€ 0.00Add to cartAn update on brown spot of pear
Pages: 33-34
€ 0.00Add to cartBasis for new strategies in integrated control of brown spot of pear (Stemphylium vesicarium, teleomorph Pleospora allii)
Pages: 35-39
€ 0.00Add to cartDrought and oxidative stress determine the sensitivity of the pear towards Brown spot infections
Pages: 40
€ 0.00Add to cartEvaluation of ascospore maturity models to estimate seasonal ascospore discharge of pear scab (Venturia pirina)
Pages: 41-44
€ 0.00Add to cartDeveloping an effective trap and lure to monitor Lygus rugulipennis
Pages: 47-51
€ 0.00Add to cartInteractions among predatory insects in strawberry production
Pages: 52
€ 0.00Add to cartDeveloping Integrated Pest Management programmes for protected strawberry crops in Southern France
Pages: 53-57
€ 0.00Add to cartAlternative means to reduce storage decay in organic apple production; time of harvest and calcium applications
Pages: 61-64
€ 0.00Add to cartSources of inoculum for Colletotrichum acutatum in cherry and apple
Pages: 65-67
€ 0.00Add to cartEarly season control of storage rots of apple
Pages: 68
€ 0.00Add to cartUtilization of Mating Disruption and Codling Moth Granulosis virus (CMGV) in Conventional Commercial Apple Orchards in Pennsylvania, USA
Pages: 71-74
€ 0.00Add to cartPheromone-Based Management Strategies for the Dogwood Borer, Synanthedon scitula (Harris) (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae)
Pages: 75
€ 0.00Add to cartVolatiles initiate egg-laying in common green lacewings
Pages: 77-82
€ 0.00Add to cartSucrose as an apple tree resistance inducer against Cydia pomonella L.
Pages: 83-87
€ 0.00Add to cartAttractiveness of Mixtures of Pheromone and Host Plant Volatiles to Cydia molesta (Busck) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)
Pages: 88
€ 0.00Add to cartImproving the effectiveness of mating disruption for tree fruit pests
Pages: 89
€ 0.00Add to cartAssessing efficacy of mating disruption in apple orchard by release and recapture of males in net-cages
Pages: 90
€ 0.00Add to cartRecent progress in integrated sanitation practices to manage apple scab
Pages: 93-96
€ 0.00Add to cartFungicide sprays during the window of germination. A special tool for control of apple scab in organic and integrated apple production
Pages: 97-102
€ 0.00Add to cartAssessment of fungicide protection strategies in experimental apple orchards
Pages: 103-107
€ 0.00Add to cartBrown rot disease development and management perspectives in organic apple orchards
Pages: 108
€ 0.00Add to cartRepco results on the control of scab in organic apple cultivation
Pages: 109
€ 0.00Add to cartEffect of Cladosporium cladosporioides H39 on conidia production of Venturia inaequalis under orchard conditions
Pages: 111-115
€ 0.00Add to cartBiological control strategy of codling moth with entomopathogenic nematodes in organic and conventional farming
Pages: 119-124
€ 0.00Add to cartMass releases of Trichogramma minutum to control the obliquebanded leafroller, Choristoneura rosaceana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), in apple orchards
Pages: 125
€ 0.00Add to cartAssessing the role of Syrphidae in the suppression of woolly apple aphid inVirginia, USA
Pages: 127-130
€ 0.00Add to cartHabitat and prey preferences of the two predatory bugs Anthocoris nemorum (L.) and A. nemoralis (Fabricius) (Anthocoridae: Hemiptera-Heteroptera)
Pages: 131
€ 0.00Add to cartDoes windborne pollen mediate the effects of pesticides on predatory mites?
Pages: 132
€ 0.00Add to cartA new view of the sooty blotch and flyspeck fungal complex on apples
Pages: 134
€ 0.00Add to cartFire blight research: Warming up to new ideas and solutions
Pages: 135
€ 0.00Add to cartThe complex life history of a predator: sibling species, variability of side-effect and enigmatic disappearances of the earwig
Pages: 138
€ 0.00Add to cartSide effects of pesticides on the European earwig Forficula auricularia L. (Dermaptera: Forficulidae)
Pages: 139
€ 0.00Add to cartImpact of four insecticides on the European earwig, Forficula auricularia L., in an apple orchard
Pages: 141-145
€ 0.00Add to cartControl of the woolly apple aphid (Eriosoma lanigerum Hausm.) by releasing earwigs (Forficula auricularia L.) and support oil applications
Pages: 147-151
€ 0.00Add to cartPopulation modelling of the European earwig as a decision tool for orchard management
Pages: 152
€ 0.00Add to cartCodling Moth Insecticide Resistance Management in North Carolina Apples
Pages: 154
€ 0.00Add to cartA new CpGV isolate overcoming Cydia pomonella resistance to Granulovirus: improvement of the virus efficiency by selection pressure on resistant hosts
Pages: 155-159
€ 0.00Add to cartResistance Management: A Global Industry Response from the Insecticide Resistance Action Committee
Pages: 160
€ 0.00Add to cartMolecular aspects of QoI and DMI fungicide resistance in NY populations of the apple scab pathogen Venturia inaequalis
Pages: 162
€ 0.00Add to cartPractical aspects of QoI and DMI fungicide resistance in Northeastern US populations of the apple scab pathogen Venturia inaequalis
Pages: 163
€ 0.00Add to cartValidation of an apple scab fungicide spray action threshold to help reduce captan residue levels on fruits
Pages: 164
€ 0.00Add to cartCan Venturia inaequalis populations show a reduced sensitivity to a multisite fungicide? The case study of captan in French orchards
Pages: 165-168
€ 0.00Add to cartBreeding high quality disease resistant apple varieties
Pages: 169-173
€ 0.00Add to cartRecent advances in epidemiology of strawberry powdery mildew
Pages: 174
€ 0.00Add to cartIntegrated protection of table-grape from powdery mildew in Southern Italy
Pages: 175-182
€ 0.00Add to cartA multiphasic approach to evaluating the effects of biofumigation for management of wilt in strawberries
Pages: 183-186
€ 0.00Add to cartArmillaria root rot on highbush blueberry in Northern Italy: monitoring, identification and inoculum sources
Pages: 187-190
€ 0.00Add to cartThe Working Group „Integrated Protection of Fruit Crops“ is celebrating its 50th Anniversary
Pages: 193-194
€ 0.00Add to cartPeach orchard management strategies: aphid communities as a case study
Pages: 196
€ 0.00Add to cartAdapting to New Control Strategies and Area-Wide Management for Cherry Fruit Flies in British Columbia, Canada
Pages: 197-203
€ 0.00Add to cartPlant protection in organic apple production of two North-East Spanish regions
Pages: 205-208
€ 0.00Add to cartField efficacy of slaked lime against European fruit tree canker and introduction into practice
Pages: 210
€ 0.00Add to cartRelation of duration of wet period and number of Nectria cankers for leaf scars and pruning wounds during the summer
Pages: 211
€ 0.00Add to cartDetection of latent infections of fruit tree canker (Nectria galligena) in planting material of apple
Pages: 212
€ 0.00Add to cartDevelopment of semiochemical attractants, lures and traps for raspberry beetle, Byturus tomentosus, at SCRI; from fundamental chemical ecology to testing IPM tools with growers
Pages: 215-217
€ 0.00Add to cartProspect for crop protection in Europe: vision from the ENDURE Network
Pages: 218
€ 0.00Add to cartState of the Art of Control Strategies of Codling Moth, Apple Scab and Brown Spot in Europe
Pages: 220
€ 0.00Add to cartInvestigations on the bark beetle species (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) in cherry and peaches in the East Mediterranean Region of Türkiye
Pages: 221-225
€ 0.00Add to cartThe incidence and control of cranberry tipworm Dasineura vaccinii S. and its control in cranberry plantations in Latvia
Pages: 226
€ 0.00Add to cartPreliminary trials for a continuous rearing of Bactrocera oleae (Rossi) on its natural host Olea europaea L. in laboratory and future perspectives
Pages: 227-231
€ 0.00Add to cartThe current issue Codling moth control in the Croatian apple orchards
Pages: 232
€ 0.00Add to cartLoquat and pomegranate thrips in the eastern Mediterranean region of Turkey
Pages: 233-236
€ 0.00Add to cartTwo Spotted Mite, Tetranychus urticae, a new pest in Persimmon Orchards; approaches to reduce its density
Pages: 237
€ 0.00Add to cartInvestigations on the occurrence of the quarantine fruit fly species Rhagoletis cingulata and Rhagoletis indifferens on Prunus avium and Prunus cerasus in Austria
Pages: 238
€ 0.00Add to cartAutumn control of aphid pests of tree and bush fruit crops
Pages: 239-242
€ 0.00Add to cartNew infestation outbreaks of Panonychus ulmi Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae) in apple orchards of North-West Italy
Pages: 243-245
€ 0.00Add to cartPopulation evolution of Ceratitis capitata (Wied.) in the NE of Spain and its implications in the establishment of control methods
Pages: 246
€ 0.00Add to cartOstrinia nubilalis Hübner (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae) as a threat for apple
Pages: 247-250
€ 0.00Add to cartPreliminary studies about the effect of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma mali’ on the psyllid Cacopsylla melanoneura (Homoptera: Psyllidae)
Pages: 251
€ 0.00Add to cartNew insights into management of the white grub Polyphylla olivieri in fruit orchards of Iran
Pages: 252
€ 0.00Add to cartFirst evidence of the walnut husk fly (Rhagoletis completa) in Austria
Pages: 253
€ 0.00Add to cartThe occurrence of leaf rollers in Polish apple orchards and possibilities of their integrated control
Pages: 254
€ 0.00Add to cartControl of Cacopsylla pyri L. (Sternorrhyncha: Psyllidae) in pear orchards in the Czech Republic
Pages: 255-258
€ 0.00Add to cartGeographical distribution and population dynamics of the European cherry fruit fly, Rhagoletis cerasi (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Greece
Pages: 259
€ 0.00Add to cartSpatial patterns and Sampling of predatory mites (Acari: Phytoseiidae) on apple orchards
Pages: 260
€ 0.00Add to cartPopulation dynamics and damage analysis of Cetonia aurata/Potosia cuprea in Croatian peach orchards
Pages: 261-265
€ 0.00Add to cartAn inventory of tortricids (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) in Swedish apple orchards as a basis for future management strategies
Pages: 266
€ 0.00Add to cartSpread of European stone fruit yellows in Piedmont (northwestern Italy) and presence of Cacopsylla pruni Scopoli in plum and apricot orchards
Pages: 267-271
€ 0.00Add to cartObservations of Rhagoletis cingulata, an invasive species from North America, on cherry in Germany
Pages: 273-277
€ 0.00Add to cartSelectivity of phytossanitary products used on citrus orchards to Chrysoperla externa (Hagen, 1861) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae)
Pages: 281-285
€ 0.00Add to cartFirst record of the parasitoid Copidosoma varicornis (Nees) (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) in Greece
Pages: 287-288
€ 0.00Add to cartBehaviour and biological control of two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) in floricane red raspberry plantations
Pages: 289-293
€ 0.00Add to cartA geostatistical approach to evaluate the side effects on non target species using a non repeated plot
Pages: 294
€ 0.00Add to cartNatural regulation of the rosy apple aphid (Dysaphis plantaginea) in organic apple orchards
Pages: 295-299
€ 0.00Add to cartPest management practices and environmental factors affect natural regulation of the codling moth
Pages: 301-304
€ 0.00Add to cartThe effect of rosy apple aphid and beneficial insect dynamics in an orchard
Pages: 305-308
€ 0.00Add to cartSusceptibility of codling moth populations originated from Czech Republic to Cydia pomonella granulovirus (CpGV)
Pages: 309-312
€ 0.00Add to cartIndicators to assess the environmental impact of protection practices in apple orchards
Pages: 315-318
€ 0.00Add to cartPotential new storage rot problems in UK Cox apples
Pages: 320
€ 0.00Add to cartIs it possible to predict the aerial concentrations of Venturia inaequalis ascospores in apple orchards?
Pages: 321-325
€ 0.00Add to cartSearching inoculum sources of brown spot of pear
Pages: 326
€ 0.00Add to cartEfficiency of association of scab control methods on resistance durability of apple: the case study of cultivar Ariane
Pages: 327-330
€ 0.00Add to cartControl of Oriental Fruit Moth, Cydia molesta Busck, by Isomate OFM-Rosso Dispensers in Peach Orchards of Bulgaria – Preliminary Results
Pages: 331-336
€ 0.00Add to cartAn Integrated Approach for Reducing Fungicide Sprays Against Scab in Organic Apple Orchards
Pages: 337-341
€ 0.00Add to cartLate winter climatic conditions influence ascospore production and release in Venturia inaequalis
Pages: 342
€ 0.00Add to cartThe initiative: Monitoring of Venturia inaequalis virulences
Pages: 343-344
€ 0.00Add to cartUse of the A-scab model for rational control of apple scab
Pages: 345-349
€ 0.00Add to cartEfficacy of fungicides mixtures to avoid apple scab fungus resistance in integrated apple orchards
Pages: 350
€ 0.00Add to cartMonitoring of Venturia inaequalis strains sensitive to strobilurin fungicides and occurrence of apple scab on resistant cultivars in the Czech Republic
Pages: 351-356
€ 0.00Add to cartApple Proliferation phytoplasma in South Tyrol – an Integrated Approach
Pages: 357-359
€ 0.00Add to cartDevelopment and validation of a rapid method testing of CpGV susceptibility in codling moth populations
Pages: 362
€ 0.00Add to cartEffect of a growth enhancer Carbon Kick Booster® on mites and natural mite enemies in apple
Pages: 363-366
€ 0.00Add to cartBiological Efficacy of Botanical Insecticides in the Control of Green Apple Aphid (Aphis pomi De Geer)
Pages: 367-370
€ 0.00Add to cartEvolution of apple surface metabolites throughout the season and codling moth (Cydia pomonella L.) egg-laying behaviour
Pages: 371
€ 0.00Add to cartEvaluation of integrated management scenarios of the peach tree - Myzus persicae system using a crop-pest model
Pages: 375-379
€ 0.00Add to cartModelling codling moth damage as a function of adult monitoring and crop protection
Pages: 381-384
€ 0.00Add to cartA Comparative Study on Auto-Confusion by Exosex2 Gvm-Lb and Mating Disruption by Isonet-L against European Grapevine Moth, Lobesia botrana Den.-Schiff. (Lep.: Tortricidae), in Turkey
Pages: 387-388
€ 0.00Add to cartIdentification of the female sex pheromone of the pear midge, Contarinia pyrivora
Pages: 389-395
€ 0.00Add to cartRaspberry beetle Byturus tomentosus: flight monitoring with semiochemical traps
Pages: 397-400
€ 0.00Add to cartControl of the Plum Fruit Moth, Cydia funebrana (Treitsch.) (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae), by false-trail following
Pages: 401-404
€ 0.00Add to cartEight years of practical experience with mating disruption to control grape berry moth, Lobesia botrana, in Porto Wine Region
Pages: 405-409
€ 0.00Add to cartCells responding to pheromone components and plant volatiles could affect semiochemical based control strategies of insect pests in agriculture ecosystems
Pages: 410
€ 0.00Add to cartUse of Sprayable Pheromone Formulations in Europe
Pages: 411-413
€ 0.00Add to cartUsing Insect Behavior to Facilitate Precision Agriculture: Odor-Baited Trap Trees For Management of the Plum Curculio, Conotrachelus nenuphar (Herbst) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
Pages: 414
€ 0.00Add to cartIntegrating pear ester into direct management programs for codling moth
Pages: 415-418
€ 0.00Add to cartCage test to assess the mating disruptant activity for different pheromone blends and formulations on Peach Twig Borer (Anarsia lineatella Zeller) in the orchards
Pages: 419-422
€ 0.00Add to cartComparison of different pheromone lures to monitor the flight of Cydia pomonella
Pages: 423-424
€ 0.00Add to cartEffectiveness of mating disruption and granulovirus against codling moths in Central Bulgaria
Pages: 425-429
€ 0.00Add to cartMating disruption across the peach/apple interface
Pages: 430
€ 0.00Add to cartControl of codling moth (Cydia pomonella) under the aspects of active mating disruption, different application systems and varieties
Pages: 431-434
€ 0.00Add to cartExploring the potential for using peripheral treatments with pheromone dispensers for controlling the grape berry moth (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) by mating disruption
Pages: 435-438
€ 0.00Add to cartControl of codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.) (Lepidoptera Tortricidae), with EcoTape pheromone dispensers
Pages: 439
€ 0.00Add to cartTwo Spotted Mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch, Emerged as a New Pest in Persimmon Orchards and Approaches to Their Control
Pages: 442
€ 0.00Add to cartObservations on the relation between the induction and termination of diapause in codling moth in Dutch and Belgian populations
Pages: 443
€ 0.00Add to cartPractical results of a Stacked Control Strategy for Codling Moth (Cydia pomonella L.) management
Pages: 444
€ 0.00Add to cartBiological aspects and predatory capacity of Chrysoperla externa (Hagen, 1861) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) fed Planococcus citri (Risso, 1813) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae)
Pages: 447-451
€ 0.00Add to cartThe Effect of Floral Strips on the Abundance of Hymenopteran Parasitoids in Apple and Olive Organic Orchards
Pages: 453-457
€ 0.00Add to cartSide effect of selected insecticides on Aphidius colemani, Amblyseius cucumeris and Neoseiulus cucumeris as model species of natural enemies
Pages: 459-462
€ 0.00Add to cartIs the distribution of beneficial arthropods influenced by mixed hedgerows?
Pages: 464
€ 0.00Add to cartAvian biodiversity: impacts of phytosanitary practices and landscape in South-Eastern French apple orchards
Pages: 465-468
€ 0.00Add to cartChanges of entomofauna in orchards under different pest management regimes
Pages: 469
€ 0.00Add to cartArthropods and mycorrhizal fungi associated to the rhizosphere of grapevine in Sicily
Pages: 470
€ 0.00Add to cartMixed deciduous hedgerows as sources of anthocorids and other predators of pear psyllid in the UK
Pages: 471-477
€ 0.00Add to cartSpecies diversity, dominance and frequency of leaf-eating Lepidoptera in plum biocenose in Bulgaria
Pages: 479-482
€ 0.00Add to cartFlash grazing of hogs in apple orchards for pest management
Pages: 484
€ 0.00Add to cartHazelnut quality and sensory evaluation in organic and conventional growing systems
Pages: 485-488
€ 0.00Add to cartSoftpest: a website on the usage of pesticides & biocontrol agents in soft fruits
Pages: 489-491
€ 0.00Add to cartThe sterile insect technique as a component of area-wide integrated pest management
Pages: 492
€ 0.00Add to cartOrganic Raspberry Production in Serbia
Pages: 493-496
€ 0.00Add to cartIs organic hazelnut cultivation profitable?
Pages: 497-500
€ 0.00Add to cartFurther observation on hazelnut yielding and fruit quality under organic and conventional management
Pages: 501-507
€ 0.00Add to cartCodling moth proof hail nets
Pages: 508
€ 0.00Add to cartBuilding up, management and evaluation of orchard systems: a three-year experience in apple production
Pages: 509-512
€ 0.00Add to cartEffect of different type row mulches on the success of biological control of strawberry tarsonemid mite
Pages: 513
€ 0.00Add to cartInventory of European canker in southern Sweden and Nectria galligena as a soil pathogen
Pages: 516
€ 0.00Add to cartThe OrganicA Project: Organic Disease Management in Orchards with ‘Newer’ Cultivars
Pages: 517-520
€ 0.00Add to cartInvestigation on survival and viability of cankers of Nectria galligena following removal from apple trees and pulverisation on the orchard floor
Pages: 521-524
€ 0.00Add to cartIntegrating scab control methods with partial effects in apple orchards: the association of cultivar resistance, sanitation and reduced fungicide schedules
Pages: 525-528
€ 0.00Add to cartApplication of thermo- and chemotherapy in vitro for elimination of some viruses infecting fruit trees and small fruits
Pages: 529-533
€ 0.00Add to cartIn vivo antagonism of Acremonium byssoides, endophyte in Vitis vinifera, towards Plasmopara viticola
Pages: 535-538
€ 0.00Add to cartPreliminary investigation on the endophytic communities in Olea europaea L. in Sicily
Pages: 539-543
€ 0.00Add to cartPopulation variability of strawberry powdery mildew (Podosphaera aphanis) in different geographical regions
Pages: 545-553
€ 0.00Add to cartEvaluation of fruit genetic resources for disease resistance
Pages: 555-558
€ 0.00Add to cartActivity of Physpe (laminarin) in control of strawberry diseases
Pages: 559-563
€ 0.00Add to cartPrediction of Xanthomonas harboricola pv. pruni infection on peaches
Pages: 565-569
€ 0.00Add to cartEutypa dieback as an important disease in red currant (Ribes rubrum) and gooseberry (Ribes uva-crispa) in the Netherlands
Pages: 570
€ 0.00Add to cartMonitoring of virus and phytoplasma diseases by laboratory diagnostic methods (PCR, RT-PCR, DAS-ELISA) in apple and pear after sanitation process
Pages: 571-575
€ 0.00Add to cartChlorantraniliprole (DPX-E2Y45, Rynaxypyr®) (Coragen®20SC and Altacor®35WG) - a new diamide insecticide for control of codling moth (Cydia pomonella) and other top fruit Lepidoptera. Product features with regards to IFP criteria
Pages: 578
€ 0.00Add to cartCan delayed flight activity serve as an indicator for insecticide resistance?
Pages: 579-581
€ 0.00Add to cartNo evidence in codling moth for cross-resistance between chemical insecticides and Cydia pomonella granulovirus
Pages: 582
€ 0.00Add to cartCydia pomonella (Lep: Tortricidae) resistance and cross-resistance to various classes of insecticides in Central Europe
Pages: 583
€ 0.00Add to cartTrials for the development of alternative control strategies against the codling moth (Cydia pomonella) in pome fruits in Austria in 2007
Pages: 584
€ 0.00Add to cartEfficacy of chlotianidyna (neonicotinoid group) in the control of the strawberry root weevil (Otiorhynchus ovatus) on strawberry
Pages: 585-588
€ 0.00Add to cartMicroencapsulation and PBO: a tool in resistance management of the green peach aphid
Pages: 589-592
€ 0.00Add to cartSusceptibility to abamectin of pear psylla, Cacopsylla pyri (L.) (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) in pear orchards of north-east Spain
Pages: 593
€ 0.00Add to cartPlant infusions to limit the development of pests or diseases: results on Aphis pomi
Pages: 594
€ 0.00Add to cartComparison of susceptibility and nychtemerals rhythms between reared insects of Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata) and wild population of Algeria treated with a fenthion insecticide
Pages: 595
€ 0.00Add to cartPreliminary resistance screening of abamectin on pear psylla (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) in Northern Italy
Pages: 596
€ 0.00Add to cartStrategies and timing of protection practices against Cydia pomonella (L.) in apple orchards
Pages: 597-601
€ 0.00Add to cartInsecticide Resistance of Cydia pomonella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) Eggs and First Larval Instars in Spanish Field Populations
Pages: 602
€ 0.00Add to cartMolecular detection of pest resistance to insecticides
Pages: 603-606
€ 0.00Add to cartNew isolates of CpGV overcome virus resistance of codling moth
Pages: 607
€ 0.00Add to cartPeach breeding for multiple resistances to pests and diseases contributes to integrated fruit production
Pages: 610
€ 0.00Add to cartEvaluation of technical scenarios for the peach-brown rot system using a virtual fruit model simulating quality and storage potential
Pages: 611-615
€ 0.00Add to cartCodling moth (Cydia pomonella L.) egg-laying behaviour on two Malus sp. preferred and non preferred for egg-laying and leaf surface metabolite signals
Pages: 617-620
€ 0.00Add to cartApple resistance to arthropod herbivores: genetic basis and modification by environmental factors
Pages: 621-626
€ 0.00Add to cartMRV-Carpocapsa: a phenological model as decision support system for Codling Moth (Cydia pomonella L.) in Emilia-Romagna (Italy)
Pages: 627-631
€ 0.00Add to cartGEP, a tool for helping decision making for pest control advisers in Lleida (Spain)
Pages: 632
€ 0.00Add to cartImpact of flower strip establishment in apple orchards on natural enemy populations
Pages: 633-636
€ 0.00Add to cartCOSMOS, a spatially explicit model to simulate the epidemiology of Cosmopolites sordidus in banana fields
Pages: 637-641
€ 0.00Add to cartDevelopment of a dynamic population model as a decision support system for Codling Moth (Cydia pomonella L.) management
Pages: 642
€ 0.00Add to cartEffects of thermoperiodic conditions on the developmental rate of the codling moth larvae of resistant and non-resistant strains to chemical and viral (CpGv) insecticides
Pages: 643-646
€ 0.00Add to cartA field unit for automatic monitoring of insect behaviour
Pages: 648
€ 0.00Add to cartRaspberry cane midge Resseliella theobaldi: 3 years of flight monitoring in Swiss raspberry cultures
Pages: 649-651
€ 0.00Add to cartManagement of Oriental Fruit Moth and Codling Moth with spray application of microencapsulated sex pheromone
Pages: 653-656
€ 0.00Add to cartIsomate C Plus Dispensers as an Alternative Means for Control of Codling Moth, Cydia pomonella L., in Apple Orchards of Bulgaria
Pages: 657-662
€ 0.00Add to cartCorrelation between maturity of female R. cerasi, oviposition, larval development and ripeness of cherries
Pages: 663-667
€ 0.00Add to cart
Integrated Production: where is it and where is it going?
Pages: 3
€ 0.00Add to cartDisease management in organic apple orchards is more than applying the right product at the correct time
Pages: 4
€ 0.00Add to cartDesigning cropping systems to achieve Integrated Fruit Production goals
Pages: 5-8
€ 0.00Add to cartDeveloping a Protocol and a Marketing Niche for EcoApples in NY State
Pages: 9-12
€ 0.00Add to cartAnalyzing the results of a biodiversity experiment: Enhancing parasitism of Platynota idaeusalis (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)
Pages: 13
€ 0.00Add to cartGenetic modification of apple to control diseases
Pages: 15-16
€ 0.00Add to cartDispersal estimates of codling moth fertilized females in a French farm based on kinship assessments
Pages: 19-23
€ 0.00Add to cartObservations on the phenology of codling moth in untreated orchards in the Netherlands and Belgium
Pages: 24
€ 0.00Add to cartDifferences among Cacopsylla melanoneura Förster (Homoptera: Psyllidae) insight from molecular markers
Pages: 25
€ 0.00Add to cartWhole-farm infestation trends and management programs for obliquebanded leafroller in apples
Pages: 27-30
€ 0.00Add to cartPopulation dynamics of Anarsia lineatella and their relation to crop damage in Northern Greece IPM peach orchards: towards the development of EIL
Pages: 31-32
€ 0.00Add to cartAn update on brown spot of pear
Pages: 33-34
€ 0.00Add to cartBasis for new strategies in integrated control of brown spot of pear (Stemphylium vesicarium, teleomorph Pleospora allii)
Pages: 35-39
€ 0.00Add to cartDrought and oxidative stress determine the sensitivity of the pear towards Brown spot infections
Pages: 40
€ 0.00Add to cartEvaluation of ascospore maturity models to estimate seasonal ascospore discharge of pear scab (Venturia pirina)
Pages: 41-44
€ 0.00Add to cartDeveloping an effective trap and lure to monitor Lygus rugulipennis
Pages: 47-51
€ 0.00Add to cartInteractions among predatory insects in strawberry production
Pages: 52
€ 0.00Add to cartDeveloping Integrated Pest Management programmes for protected strawberry crops in Southern France
Pages: 53-57
€ 0.00Add to cartAlternative means to reduce storage decay in organic apple production; time of harvest and calcium applications
Pages: 61-64
€ 0.00Add to cartSources of inoculum for Colletotrichum acutatum in cherry and apple
Pages: 65-67
€ 0.00Add to cartEarly season control of storage rots of apple
Pages: 68
€ 0.00Add to cartUtilization of Mating Disruption and Codling Moth Granulosis virus (CMGV) in Conventional Commercial Apple Orchards in Pennsylvania, USA
Pages: 71-74
€ 0.00Add to cartPheromone-Based Management Strategies for the Dogwood Borer, Synanthedon scitula (Harris) (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae)
Pages: 75
€ 0.00Add to cartVolatiles initiate egg-laying in common green lacewings
Pages: 77-82
€ 0.00Add to cartSucrose as an apple tree resistance inducer against Cydia pomonella L.
Pages: 83-87
€ 0.00Add to cartAttractiveness of Mixtures of Pheromone and Host Plant Volatiles to Cydia molesta (Busck) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)
Pages: 88
€ 0.00Add to cartImproving the effectiveness of mating disruption for tree fruit pests
Pages: 89
€ 0.00Add to cartAssessing efficacy of mating disruption in apple orchard by release and recapture of males in net-cages
Pages: 90
€ 0.00Add to cartRecent progress in integrated sanitation practices to manage apple scab
Pages: 93-96
€ 0.00Add to cartFungicide sprays during the window of germination. A special tool for control of apple scab in organic and integrated apple production
Pages: 97-102
€ 0.00Add to cartAssessment of fungicide protection strategies in experimental apple orchards
Pages: 103-107
€ 0.00Add to cartBrown rot disease development and management perspectives in organic apple orchards
Pages: 108
€ 0.00Add to cartRepco results on the control of scab in organic apple cultivation
Pages: 109
€ 0.00Add to cartEffect of Cladosporium cladosporioides H39 on conidia production of Venturia inaequalis under orchard conditions
Pages: 111-115
€ 0.00Add to cartBiological control strategy of codling moth with entomopathogenic nematodes in organic and conventional farming
Pages: 119-124
€ 0.00Add to cartMass releases of Trichogramma minutum to control the obliquebanded leafroller, Choristoneura rosaceana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), in apple orchards
Pages: 125
€ 0.00Add to cartAssessing the role of Syrphidae in the suppression of woolly apple aphid inVirginia, USA
Pages: 127-130
€ 0.00Add to cartHabitat and prey preferences of the two predatory bugs Anthocoris nemorum (L.) and A. nemoralis (Fabricius) (Anthocoridae: Hemiptera-Heteroptera)
Pages: 131
€ 0.00Add to cartDoes windborne pollen mediate the effects of pesticides on predatory mites?
Pages: 132
€ 0.00Add to cartA new view of the sooty blotch and flyspeck fungal complex on apples
Pages: 134
€ 0.00Add to cartFire blight research: Warming up to new ideas and solutions
Pages: 135
€ 0.00Add to cartThe complex life history of a predator: sibling species, variability of side-effect and enigmatic disappearances of the earwig
Pages: 138
€ 0.00Add to cartSide effects of pesticides on the European earwig Forficula auricularia L. (Dermaptera: Forficulidae)
Pages: 139
€ 0.00Add to cartImpact of four insecticides on the European earwig, Forficula auricularia L., in an apple orchard
Pages: 141-145
€ 0.00Add to cartControl of the woolly apple aphid (Eriosoma lanigerum Hausm.) by releasing earwigs (Forficula auricularia L.) and support oil applications
Pages: 147-151
€ 0.00Add to cartPopulation modelling of the European earwig as a decision tool for orchard management
Pages: 152
€ 0.00Add to cartCodling Moth Insecticide Resistance Management in North Carolina Apples
Pages: 154
€ 0.00Add to cartA new CpGV isolate overcoming Cydia pomonella resistance to Granulovirus: improvement of the virus efficiency by selection pressure on resistant hosts
Pages: 155-159
€ 0.00Add to cartResistance Management: A Global Industry Response from the Insecticide Resistance Action Committee
Pages: 160
€ 0.00Add to cartMolecular aspects of QoI and DMI fungicide resistance in NY populations of the apple scab pathogen Venturia inaequalis
Pages: 162
€ 0.00Add to cartPractical aspects of QoI and DMI fungicide resistance in Northeastern US populations of the apple scab pathogen Venturia inaequalis
Pages: 163
€ 0.00Add to cartValidation of an apple scab fungicide spray action threshold to help reduce captan residue levels on fruits
Pages: 164
€ 0.00Add to cartCan Venturia inaequalis populations show a reduced sensitivity to a multisite fungicide? The case study of captan in French orchards
Pages: 165-168
€ 0.00Add to cartBreeding high quality disease resistant apple varieties
Pages: 169-173
€ 0.00Add to cartRecent advances in epidemiology of strawberry powdery mildew
Pages: 174
€ 0.00Add to cartIntegrated protection of table-grape from powdery mildew in Southern Italy
Pages: 175-182
€ 0.00Add to cartA multiphasic approach to evaluating the effects of biofumigation for management of wilt in strawberries
Pages: 183-186
€ 0.00Add to cartArmillaria root rot on highbush blueberry in Northern Italy: monitoring, identification and inoculum sources
Pages: 187-190
€ 0.00Add to cartThe Working Group „Integrated Protection of Fruit Crops“ is celebrating its 50th Anniversary
Pages: 193-194
€ 0.00Add to cartPeach orchard management strategies: aphid communities as a case study
Pages: 196
€ 0.00Add to cartAdapting to New Control Strategies and Area-Wide Management for Cherry Fruit Flies in British Columbia, Canada
Pages: 197-203
€ 0.00Add to cartPlant protection in organic apple production of two North-East Spanish regions
Pages: 205-208
€ 0.00Add to cartField efficacy of slaked lime against European fruit tree canker and introduction into practice
Pages: 210
€ 0.00Add to cartRelation of duration of wet period and number of Nectria cankers for leaf scars and pruning wounds during the summer
Pages: 211
€ 0.00Add to cartDetection of latent infections of fruit tree canker (Nectria galligena) in planting material of apple
Pages: 212
€ 0.00Add to cartDevelopment of semiochemical attractants, lures and traps for raspberry beetle, Byturus tomentosus, at SCRI; from fundamental chemical ecology to testing IPM tools with growers
Pages: 215-217
€ 0.00Add to cartProspect for crop protection in Europe: vision from the ENDURE Network
Pages: 218
€ 0.00Add to cartState of the Art of Control Strategies of Codling Moth, Apple Scab and Brown Spot in Europe
Pages: 220
€ 0.00Add to cartInvestigations on the bark beetle species (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) in cherry and peaches in the East Mediterranean Region of Türkiye
Pages: 221-225
€ 0.00Add to cartThe incidence and control of cranberry tipworm Dasineura vaccinii S. and its control in cranberry plantations in Latvia
Pages: 226
€ 0.00Add to cartPreliminary trials for a continuous rearing of Bactrocera oleae (Rossi) on its natural host Olea europaea L. in laboratory and future perspectives
Pages: 227-231
€ 0.00Add to cartThe current issue Codling moth control in the Croatian apple orchards
Pages: 232
€ 0.00Add to cartLoquat and pomegranate thrips in the eastern Mediterranean region of Turkey
Pages: 233-236
€ 0.00Add to cartTwo Spotted Mite, Tetranychus urticae, a new pest in Persimmon Orchards; approaches to reduce its density
Pages: 237
€ 0.00Add to cartInvestigations on the occurrence of the quarantine fruit fly species Rhagoletis cingulata and Rhagoletis indifferens on Prunus avium and Prunus cerasus in Austria
Pages: 238
€ 0.00Add to cartAutumn control of aphid pests of tree and bush fruit crops
Pages: 239-242
€ 0.00Add to cartNew infestation outbreaks of Panonychus ulmi Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae) in apple orchards of North-West Italy
Pages: 243-245
€ 0.00Add to cartPopulation evolution of Ceratitis capitata (Wied.) in the NE of Spain and its implications in the establishment of control methods
Pages: 246
€ 0.00Add to cartOstrinia nubilalis Hübner (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae) as a threat for apple
Pages: 247-250
€ 0.00Add to cartPreliminary studies about the effect of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma mali’ on the psyllid Cacopsylla melanoneura (Homoptera: Psyllidae)
Pages: 251
€ 0.00Add to cartNew insights into management of the white grub Polyphylla olivieri in fruit orchards of Iran
Pages: 252
€ 0.00Add to cartFirst evidence of the walnut husk fly (Rhagoletis completa) in Austria
Pages: 253
€ 0.00Add to cartThe occurrence of leaf rollers in Polish apple orchards and possibilities of their integrated control
Pages: 254
€ 0.00Add to cartControl of Cacopsylla pyri L. (Sternorrhyncha: Psyllidae) in pear orchards in the Czech Republic
Pages: 255-258
€ 0.00Add to cartGeographical distribution and population dynamics of the European cherry fruit fly, Rhagoletis cerasi (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Greece
Pages: 259
€ 0.00Add to cartSpatial patterns and Sampling of predatory mites (Acari: Phytoseiidae) on apple orchards
Pages: 260
€ 0.00Add to cartPopulation dynamics and damage analysis of Cetonia aurata/Potosia cuprea in Croatian peach orchards
Pages: 261-265
€ 0.00Add to cartAn inventory of tortricids (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) in Swedish apple orchards as a basis for future management strategies
Pages: 266
€ 0.00Add to cartSpread of European stone fruit yellows in Piedmont (northwestern Italy) and presence of Cacopsylla pruni Scopoli in plum and apricot orchards
Pages: 267-271
€ 0.00Add to cartObservations of Rhagoletis cingulata, an invasive species from North America, on cherry in Germany
Pages: 273-277
€ 0.00Add to cartSelectivity of phytossanitary products used on citrus orchards to Chrysoperla externa (Hagen, 1861) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae)
Pages: 281-285
€ 0.00Add to cartFirst record of the parasitoid Copidosoma varicornis (Nees) (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) in Greece
Pages: 287-288
€ 0.00Add to cartBehaviour and biological control of two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) in floricane red raspberry plantations
Pages: 289-293
€ 0.00Add to cartA geostatistical approach to evaluate the side effects on non target species using a non repeated plot
Pages: 294
€ 0.00Add to cartNatural regulation of the rosy apple aphid (Dysaphis plantaginea) in organic apple orchards
Pages: 295-299
€ 0.00Add to cartPest management practices and environmental factors affect natural regulation of the codling moth
Pages: 301-304
€ 0.00Add to cartThe effect of rosy apple aphid and beneficial insect dynamics in an orchard
Pages: 305-308
€ 0.00Add to cartSusceptibility of codling moth populations originated from Czech Republic to Cydia pomonella granulovirus (CpGV)
Pages: 309-312
€ 0.00Add to cartIndicators to assess the environmental impact of protection practices in apple orchards
Pages: 315-318
€ 0.00Add to cartPotential new storage rot problems in UK Cox apples
Pages: 320
€ 0.00Add to cartIs it possible to predict the aerial concentrations of Venturia inaequalis ascospores in apple orchards?
Pages: 321-325
€ 0.00Add to cartSearching inoculum sources of brown spot of pear
Pages: 326
€ 0.00Add to cartEfficiency of association of scab control methods on resistance durability of apple: the case study of cultivar Ariane
Pages: 327-330
€ 0.00Add to cartControl of Oriental Fruit Moth, Cydia molesta Busck, by Isomate OFM-Rosso Dispensers in Peach Orchards of Bulgaria – Preliminary Results
Pages: 331-336
€ 0.00Add to cartAn Integrated Approach for Reducing Fungicide Sprays Against Scab in Organic Apple Orchards
Pages: 337-341
€ 0.00Add to cartLate winter climatic conditions influence ascospore production and release in Venturia inaequalis
Pages: 342
€ 0.00Add to cartThe initiative: Monitoring of Venturia inaequalis virulences
Pages: 343-344
€ 0.00Add to cartUse of the A-scab model for rational control of apple scab
Pages: 345-349
€ 0.00Add to cartEfficacy of fungicides mixtures to avoid apple scab fungus resistance in integrated apple orchards
Pages: 350
€ 0.00Add to cartMonitoring of Venturia inaequalis strains sensitive to strobilurin fungicides and occurrence of apple scab on resistant cultivars in the Czech Republic
Pages: 351-356
€ 0.00Add to cartApple Proliferation phytoplasma in South Tyrol – an Integrated Approach
Pages: 357-359
€ 0.00Add to cartDevelopment and validation of a rapid method testing of CpGV susceptibility in codling moth populations
Pages: 362
€ 0.00Add to cartEffect of a growth enhancer Carbon Kick Booster® on mites and natural mite enemies in apple
Pages: 363-366
€ 0.00Add to cartBiological Efficacy of Botanical Insecticides in the Control of Green Apple Aphid (Aphis pomi De Geer)
Pages: 367-370
€ 0.00Add to cartEvolution of apple surface metabolites throughout the season and codling moth (Cydia pomonella L.) egg-laying behaviour
Pages: 371
€ 0.00Add to cartEvaluation of integrated management scenarios of the peach tree - Myzus persicae system using a crop-pest model
Pages: 375-379
€ 0.00Add to cartModelling codling moth damage as a function of adult monitoring and crop protection
Pages: 381-384
€ 0.00Add to cartA Comparative Study on Auto-Confusion by Exosex2 Gvm-Lb and Mating Disruption by Isonet-L against European Grapevine Moth, Lobesia botrana Den.-Schiff. (Lep.: Tortricidae), in Turkey
Pages: 387-388
€ 0.00Add to cartIdentification of the female sex pheromone of the pear midge, Contarinia pyrivora
Pages: 389-395
€ 0.00Add to cartRaspberry beetle Byturus tomentosus: flight monitoring with semiochemical traps
Pages: 397-400
€ 0.00Add to cartControl of the Plum Fruit Moth, Cydia funebrana (Treitsch.) (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae), by false-trail following
Pages: 401-404
€ 0.00Add to cartEight years of practical experience with mating disruption to control grape berry moth, Lobesia botrana, in Porto Wine Region
Pages: 405-409
€ 0.00Add to cartCells responding to pheromone components and plant volatiles could affect semiochemical based control strategies of insect pests in agriculture ecosystems
Pages: 410
€ 0.00Add to cartUse of Sprayable Pheromone Formulations in Europe
Pages: 411-413
€ 0.00Add to cartUsing Insect Behavior to Facilitate Precision Agriculture: Odor-Baited Trap Trees For Management of the Plum Curculio, Conotrachelus nenuphar (Herbst) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
Pages: 414
€ 0.00Add to cartIntegrating pear ester into direct management programs for codling moth
Pages: 415-418
€ 0.00Add to cartCage test to assess the mating disruptant activity for different pheromone blends and formulations on Peach Twig Borer (Anarsia lineatella Zeller) in the orchards
Pages: 419-422
€ 0.00Add to cartComparison of different pheromone lures to monitor the flight of Cydia pomonella
Pages: 423-424
€ 0.00Add to cartEffectiveness of mating disruption and granulovirus against codling moths in Central Bulgaria
Pages: 425-429
€ 0.00Add to cartMating disruption across the peach/apple interface
Pages: 430
€ 0.00Add to cartControl of codling moth (Cydia pomonella) under the aspects of active mating disruption, different application systems and varieties
Pages: 431-434
€ 0.00Add to cartExploring the potential for using peripheral treatments with pheromone dispensers for controlling the grape berry moth (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) by mating disruption
Pages: 435-438
€ 0.00Add to cartControl of codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.) (Lepidoptera Tortricidae), with EcoTape pheromone dispensers
Pages: 439
€ 0.00Add to cartTwo Spotted Mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch, Emerged as a New Pest in Persimmon Orchards and Approaches to Their Control
Pages: 442
€ 0.00Add to cartObservations on the relation between the induction and termination of diapause in codling moth in Dutch and Belgian populations
Pages: 443
€ 0.00Add to cartPractical results of a Stacked Control Strategy for Codling Moth (Cydia pomonella L.) management
Pages: 444
€ 0.00Add to cartBiological aspects and predatory capacity of Chrysoperla externa (Hagen, 1861) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) fed Planococcus citri (Risso, 1813) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae)
Pages: 447-451
€ 0.00Add to cartThe Effect of Floral Strips on the Abundance of Hymenopteran Parasitoids in Apple and Olive Organic Orchards
Pages: 453-457
€ 0.00Add to cartSide effect of selected insecticides on Aphidius colemani, Amblyseius cucumeris and Neoseiulus cucumeris as model species of natural enemies
Pages: 459-462
€ 0.00Add to cartIs the distribution of beneficial arthropods influenced by mixed hedgerows?
Pages: 464
€ 0.00Add to cartAvian biodiversity: impacts of phytosanitary practices and landscape in South-Eastern French apple orchards
Pages: 465-468
€ 0.00Add to cartChanges of entomofauna in orchards under different pest management regimes
Pages: 469
€ 0.00Add to cartArthropods and mycorrhizal fungi associated to the rhizosphere of grapevine in Sicily
Pages: 470
€ 0.00Add to cartMixed deciduous hedgerows as sources of anthocorids and other predators of pear psyllid in the UK
Pages: 471-477
€ 0.00Add to cartSpecies diversity, dominance and frequency of leaf-eating Lepidoptera in plum biocenose in Bulgaria
Pages: 479-482
€ 0.00Add to cartFlash grazing of hogs in apple orchards for pest management
Pages: 484
€ 0.00Add to cartHazelnut quality and sensory evaluation in organic and conventional growing systems
Pages: 485-488
€ 0.00Add to cartSoftpest: a website on the usage of pesticides & biocontrol agents in soft fruits
Pages: 489-491
€ 0.00Add to cartThe sterile insect technique as a component of area-wide integrated pest management
Pages: 492
€ 0.00Add to cartOrganic Raspberry Production in Serbia
Pages: 493-496
€ 0.00Add to cartIs organic hazelnut cultivation profitable?
Pages: 497-500
€ 0.00Add to cartFurther observation on hazelnut yielding and fruit quality under organic and conventional management
Pages: 501-507
€ 0.00Add to cartCodling moth proof hail nets
Pages: 508
€ 0.00Add to cartBuilding up, management and evaluation of orchard systems: a three-year experience in apple production
Pages: 509-512
€ 0.00Add to cartEffect of different type row mulches on the success of biological control of strawberry tarsonemid mite
Pages: 513
€ 0.00Add to cartInventory of European canker in southern Sweden and Nectria galligena as a soil pathogen
Pages: 516
€ 0.00Add to cartThe OrganicA Project: Organic Disease Management in Orchards with ‘Newer’ Cultivars
Pages: 517-520
€ 0.00Add to cartInvestigation on survival and viability of cankers of Nectria galligena following removal from apple trees and pulverisation on the orchard floor
Pages: 521-524
€ 0.00Add to cartIntegrating scab control methods with partial effects in apple orchards: the association of cultivar resistance, sanitation and reduced fungicide schedules
Pages: 525-528
€ 0.00Add to cartApplication of thermo- and chemotherapy in vitro for elimination of some viruses infecting fruit trees and small fruits
Pages: 529-533
€ 0.00Add to cartIn vivo antagonism of Acremonium byssoides, endophyte in Vitis vinifera, towards Plasmopara viticola
Pages: 535-538
€ 0.00Add to cartPreliminary investigation on the endophytic communities in Olea europaea L. in Sicily
Pages: 539-543
€ 0.00Add to cartPopulation variability of strawberry powdery mildew (Podosphaera aphanis) in different geographical regions
Pages: 545-553
€ 0.00Add to cartEvaluation of fruit genetic resources for disease resistance
Pages: 555-558
€ 0.00Add to cartActivity of Physpe (laminarin) in control of strawberry diseases
Pages: 559-563
€ 0.00Add to cartPrediction of Xanthomonas harboricola pv. pruni infection on peaches
Pages: 565-569
€ 0.00Add to cartEutypa dieback as an important disease in red currant (Ribes rubrum) and gooseberry (Ribes uva-crispa) in the Netherlands
Pages: 570
€ 0.00Add to cartMonitoring of virus and phytoplasma diseases by laboratory diagnostic methods (PCR, RT-PCR, DAS-ELISA) in apple and pear after sanitation process
Pages: 571-575
€ 0.00Add to cartChlorantraniliprole (DPX-E2Y45, Rynaxypyr®) (Coragen®20SC and Altacor®35WG) - a new diamide insecticide for control of codling moth (Cydia pomonella) and other top fruit Lepidoptera. Product features with regards to IFP criteria
Pages: 578
€ 0.00Add to cartCan delayed flight activity serve as an indicator for insecticide resistance?
Pages: 579-581
€ 0.00Add to cartNo evidence in codling moth for cross-resistance between chemical insecticides and Cydia pomonella granulovirus
Pages: 582
€ 0.00Add to cartCydia pomonella (Lep: Tortricidae) resistance and cross-resistance to various classes of insecticides in Central Europe
Pages: 583
€ 0.00Add to cartTrials for the development of alternative control strategies against the codling moth (Cydia pomonella) in pome fruits in Austria in 2007
Pages: 584
€ 0.00Add to cartEfficacy of chlotianidyna (neonicotinoid group) in the control of the strawberry root weevil (Otiorhynchus ovatus) on strawberry
Pages: 585-588
€ 0.00Add to cartMicroencapsulation and PBO: a tool in resistance management of the green peach aphid
Pages: 589-592
€ 0.00Add to cartSusceptibility to abamectin of pear psylla, Cacopsylla pyri (L.) (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) in pear orchards of north-east Spain
Pages: 593
€ 0.00Add to cartPlant infusions to limit the development of pests or diseases: results on Aphis pomi
Pages: 594
€ 0.00Add to cartComparison of susceptibility and nychtemerals rhythms between reared insects of Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata) and wild population of Algeria treated with a fenthion insecticide
Pages: 595
€ 0.00Add to cartPreliminary resistance screening of abamectin on pear psylla (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) in Northern Italy
Pages: 596
€ 0.00Add to cartStrategies and timing of protection practices against Cydia pomonella (L.) in apple orchards
Pages: 597-601
€ 0.00Add to cartInsecticide Resistance of Cydia pomonella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) Eggs and First Larval Instars in Spanish Field Populations
Pages: 602
€ 0.00Add to cartMolecular detection of pest resistance to insecticides
Pages: 603-606
€ 0.00Add to cartNew isolates of CpGV overcome virus resistance of codling moth
Pages: 607
€ 0.00Add to cartPeach breeding for multiple resistances to pests and diseases contributes to integrated fruit production
Pages: 610
€ 0.00Add to cartEvaluation of technical scenarios for the peach-brown rot system using a virtual fruit model simulating quality and storage potential
Pages: 611-615
€ 0.00Add to cartCodling moth (Cydia pomonella L.) egg-laying behaviour on two Malus sp. preferred and non preferred for egg-laying and leaf surface metabolite signals
Pages: 617-620
€ 0.00Add to cartApple resistance to arthropod herbivores: genetic basis and modification by environmental factors
Pages: 621-626
€ 0.00Add to cartMRV-Carpocapsa: a phenological model as decision support system for Codling Moth (Cydia pomonella L.) in Emilia-Romagna (Italy)
Pages: 627-631
€ 0.00Add to cartGEP, a tool for helping decision making for pest control advisers in Lleida (Spain)
Pages: 632
€ 0.00Add to cartImpact of flower strip establishment in apple orchards on natural enemy populations
Pages: 633-636
€ 0.00Add to cartCOSMOS, a spatially explicit model to simulate the epidemiology of Cosmopolites sordidus in banana fields
Pages: 637-641
€ 0.00Add to cartDevelopment of a dynamic population model as a decision support system for Codling Moth (Cydia pomonella L.) management
Pages: 642
€ 0.00Add to cartEffects of thermoperiodic conditions on the developmental rate of the codling moth larvae of resistant and non-resistant strains to chemical and viral (CpGv) insecticides
Pages: 643-646
€ 0.00Add to cartA field unit for automatic monitoring of insect behaviour
Pages: 648
€ 0.00Add to cartRaspberry cane midge Resseliella theobaldi: 3 years of flight monitoring in Swiss raspberry cultures
Pages: 649-651
€ 0.00Add to cartManagement of Oriental Fruit Moth and Codling Moth with spray application of microencapsulated sex pheromone
Pages: 653-656
€ 0.00Add to cartIsomate C Plus Dispensers as an Alternative Means for Control of Codling Moth, Cydia pomonella L., in Apple Orchards of Bulgaria
Pages: 657-662
€ 0.00Add to cartCorrelation between maturity of female R. cerasi, oviposition, larval development and ripeness of cherries
Pages: 663-667
€ 0.00Add to cart