Vol. 64 ArticleThe slug Arion lusitanicus Mabille in Norway. 1. Testing control methodsin private gardens
Pages: 1-2
€ 0.00Add to cartSlug control in no-till agriculture and slug population monitoring
Pages: 3-8
€ 0.00Add to cartCan scavenging suppress application success of pathogenic nematodes?
Pages: 9-12
€ 0.00Add to cartEfficacy of pesticide seed treatment of oilseed rape to control slug damage
Pages: 13-22
€ 0.00Add to cartRecent advances in the taxonomy of the NW European slugs of the genus Arion(Mollusca, Gastropoda, Pulmonata)
Pages: 23-39
€ 0.00Add to cartBiodiversity of terrestrial molluscs in urbophytocoenoses of Vilnius,capital of Lithuania
Pages: 41-51
€ 0.00Add to cartSpatial distribution and activity of Microxeromagna armillatain an Australian citrus orchard – implications for pest management
Pages: 53-57
€ 0.00Add to cartManipulation of slug spatial behaviour by the rhabditid nematodePhasmarhabditis hermaphrodita
Pages: 59-62
€ 0.00Add to cartImpact of molluscicidal formulations of earthworm surfacing behaviour:a novel use of security cameras
Pages: 63-68
€ 0.00Add to cartMolecular identification of interaction pathways between carabid beetles and slugs in alfalfa
Pages: 71-74
€ 0.00Add to cartNatural mollusc repellents and molluscicides based on Somali oleoresins
Pages: 75-79
€ 0.00Add to cartReducing numbers or populations of the Iberian slug (Arion lusitanicus)in private gardens in Norway
Pages: 81-83
€ 0.00Add to cartThe effect of slugs on seedling recruitment and community compositionin upland hay meadow plant communities
Pages: 85-89
€ 0.00Add to cartSlug control using Metaldehyde under modern ecotechnological aspects
Pages: 91-92
€ 0.00Add to cartObservations of field slug activities in Switzerland in relation to weather conditions
Pages: 93-97
€ 0.00Add to cartApplication of Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita (Nemaslug®)to commercial broad acre crops
Pages: 99-104
€ 0.00Add to cartThe molecular detection of slow worm (Anguis fragilis) predation on slugs
Pages: 105-112
€ 0.00Add to cartAssessment of slug populations in grassland with permanent refuge traps
Pages: 113-120
€ 0.00Add to cartControl of the water snail Lymnaea stagnalis in ponds
Pages: 121-126
€ 0.00Add to cartBirch tar oil is an effective mollusc repellent: field and laboratory experimentsusing Arianta arbustorum (Gastropoda: Helicidae) and Arion lusitanicus(Gastropoda: Arionidae)
Pages: 127-130
€ 0.00Add to cartConservation tillage, field crops, and slugs in North America
Pages: 131-133
€ 0.00Add to cartPerennial ryegrass seed treatment to control slug damage
Pages: 135-145
€ 0.00Add to cartIs the mollusc Ena montana (Draparnaud, 1801) invasive or relict speciesin Lithuania?
Pages: 147-154
€ 0.00Add to cartTesting the efficacy of different substances with a potential molluscicidal effectunder laboratory conditions
Pages: 155-160
€ 0.00Add to cartSnails, slime and sciomyzid flies – prey location in a malacophagous Diptera
Pages: 161-165
€ 0.00Add to cartEnergy balance of lettuce fed Arion ater/rufus (Biscay, Northern Spain)throughout development
Pages: 167-172
€ 0.00Add to cartHibernation and latitude in Helix (Cornu) aspersa: an attempt to integrateenvironmental restrictions to active life, length of stasis enduranceand metabolic costs
Pages: 173-177
€ 0.00Add to cartVertical and horizontal movement by slugs
Pages: 179-182
€ 0.00Add to cartPredation and scavenging by the generalist predator Pterostichus melanarius
Pages: 183-187
€ 0.00Add to cartDoes paternity influence slug growth rate?
Pages: 189-191
€ 0.00Add to cartNeu 1184: A new bait to control the Golden Apple Snail (Pomacea canaliculata)in rice cultivation
Pages: 193-197
€ 0.00Add to cartFood consumption and activity in Deroceras reticulatum and Cantareus aspersus
Pages: 199-205
€ 0.00Add to cartSeasonal changes in feeding rates and respiratory metabolism in two cohorts ofHelix aspersa (Müller) across an extreme heat wave: laboratory and field studies
Pages: 207-211
€ 0.00Add to cartDetecting introduced species in the slug fauna of the British Isles
Pages: 213-218
€ 0.00Add to cartSlugs from the Nearctic: what we need to learn from the Western Palearctic
Pages: 219-222
€ 0.00Add to cartMolluscs in defense: Cellular and sub-cellular mechanisms in snails and slugsto cope with stress
Pages: 223-226
€ 0.00Add to cartInfluence of life cycle and food quality on polysaccharide and total carbohydratecontent of the body wall and genitalia of Arion ater L. (Gastropoda: Pulmonata)
Pages: 227-233
€ 0.00Add to cartSlug damage in potatoes in The Netherlands
Pages: 233-240
€ 0.00Add to cart
The slug Arion lusitanicus Mabille in Norway. 1. Testing control methodsin private gardens
Pages: 1-2
€ 0.00Add to cartSlug control in no-till agriculture and slug population monitoring
Pages: 3-8
€ 0.00Add to cartCan scavenging suppress application success of pathogenic nematodes?
Pages: 9-12
€ 0.00Add to cartEfficacy of pesticide seed treatment of oilseed rape to control slug damage
Pages: 13-22
€ 0.00Add to cartRecent advances in the taxonomy of the NW European slugs of the genus Arion(Mollusca, Gastropoda, Pulmonata)
Pages: 23-39
€ 0.00Add to cartBiodiversity of terrestrial molluscs in urbophytocoenoses of Vilnius,capital of Lithuania
Pages: 41-51
€ 0.00Add to cartSpatial distribution and activity of Microxeromagna armillatain an Australian citrus orchard – implications for pest management
Pages: 53-57
€ 0.00Add to cartManipulation of slug spatial behaviour by the rhabditid nematodePhasmarhabditis hermaphrodita
Pages: 59-62
€ 0.00Add to cartImpact of molluscicidal formulations of earthworm surfacing behaviour:a novel use of security cameras
Pages: 63-68
€ 0.00Add to cartMolecular identification of interaction pathways between carabid beetles and slugs in alfalfa
Pages: 71-74
€ 0.00Add to cartNatural mollusc repellents and molluscicides based on Somali oleoresins
Pages: 75-79
€ 0.00Add to cartReducing numbers or populations of the Iberian slug (Arion lusitanicus)in private gardens in Norway
Pages: 81-83
€ 0.00Add to cartThe effect of slugs on seedling recruitment and community compositionin upland hay meadow plant communities
Pages: 85-89
€ 0.00Add to cartSlug control using Metaldehyde under modern ecotechnological aspects
Pages: 91-92
€ 0.00Add to cartObservations of field slug activities in Switzerland in relation to weather conditions
Pages: 93-97
€ 0.00Add to cartApplication of Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita (Nemaslug®)to commercial broad acre crops
Pages: 99-104
€ 0.00Add to cartThe molecular detection of slow worm (Anguis fragilis) predation on slugs
Pages: 105-112
€ 0.00Add to cartAssessment of slug populations in grassland with permanent refuge traps
Pages: 113-120
€ 0.00Add to cartControl of the water snail Lymnaea stagnalis in ponds
Pages: 121-126
€ 0.00Add to cartBirch tar oil is an effective mollusc repellent: field and laboratory experimentsusing Arianta arbustorum (Gastropoda: Helicidae) and Arion lusitanicus(Gastropoda: Arionidae)
Pages: 127-130
€ 0.00Add to cartConservation tillage, field crops, and slugs in North America
Pages: 131-133
€ 0.00Add to cartPerennial ryegrass seed treatment to control slug damage
Pages: 135-145
€ 0.00Add to cartIs the mollusc Ena montana (Draparnaud, 1801) invasive or relict speciesin Lithuania?
Pages: 147-154
€ 0.00Add to cartTesting the efficacy of different substances with a potential molluscicidal effectunder laboratory conditions
Pages: 155-160
€ 0.00Add to cartSnails, slime and sciomyzid flies – prey location in a malacophagous Diptera
Pages: 161-165
€ 0.00Add to cartEnergy balance of lettuce fed Arion ater/rufus (Biscay, Northern Spain)throughout development
Pages: 167-172
€ 0.00Add to cartHibernation and latitude in Helix (Cornu) aspersa: an attempt to integrateenvironmental restrictions to active life, length of stasis enduranceand metabolic costs
Pages: 173-177
€ 0.00Add to cartVertical and horizontal movement by slugs
Pages: 179-182
€ 0.00Add to cartPredation and scavenging by the generalist predator Pterostichus melanarius
Pages: 183-187
€ 0.00Add to cartDoes paternity influence slug growth rate?
Pages: 189-191
€ 0.00Add to cartNeu 1184: A new bait to control the Golden Apple Snail (Pomacea canaliculata)in rice cultivation
Pages: 193-197
€ 0.00Add to cartFood consumption and activity in Deroceras reticulatum and Cantareus aspersus
Pages: 199-205
€ 0.00Add to cartSeasonal changes in feeding rates and respiratory metabolism in two cohorts ofHelix aspersa (Müller) across an extreme heat wave: laboratory and field studies
Pages: 207-211
€ 0.00Add to cartDetecting introduced species in the slug fauna of the British Isles
Pages: 213-218
€ 0.00Add to cartSlugs from the Nearctic: what we need to learn from the Western Palearctic
Pages: 219-222
€ 0.00Add to cartMolluscs in defense: Cellular and sub-cellular mechanisms in snails and slugsto cope with stress
Pages: 223-226
€ 0.00Add to cartInfluence of life cycle and food quality on polysaccharide and total carbohydratecontent of the body wall and genitalia of Arion ater L. (Gastropoda: Pulmonata)
Pages: 227-233
€ 0.00Add to cartSlug damage in potatoes in The Netherlands
Pages: 233-240
€ 0.00Add to cart