Laboratory tests on side effects of pesticides used in peach orchards on the predatorymite Typhlodromus athiasae (Porath and Swirski) (Mesostigmata, Phytoseiidae)


Abstract: Typhlodromus athiasae (Porath and Swirski) (Mesostigmata, Phytoseiidae) is the mostabundant predatory mite species found in peach orchards of Izmir province. In laboratory trials,the side- effects of six pesticides commonly used in peach orchards were assessed in 2006 on thisspecies. As a susceptible life stages protonymphs of predator were exposed to fresh pesticidesresidues on glass plates. The tests were conducted according to the standard laboratory testmethod of the IOBC/WPRS working group “Pesticides and Beneficial Organisms” (Blümel et al.,2000). According to the side-effect tests results, Malathion (malathion), Mavrik (tau-fluvalinate)and Thiovit (a.i. sulphur) were classified as moderately toxic, Kormite (propargite) as highlytoxic, Chess (pymetrozine) and Pomarsol Forte (thiram) were the only compounds demonstratingharmless effect.

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