Let’s get started: the sequencing of the pathotypes of Plasmodiophora brassicae from Poland
€ 5.00
Agnieszka Pszczółkowska, Adam Okorski, Łukasz Paukszto, Małgorzata Jędryczka
Pages: 153-156
Abstract: Plasmodiophora brassicae is an economically important pathogen of brassicas,
including oilseed rape. It causes the disease called clubroot, due to root deformations. They
may lead to complete loss of plant yield. The first genome sequence of the pathogen was
published in 2015 and many current efforts aim at sequencing of P. brassicae genomes. This
study concerns the sequencing of the first isolates from Poland belonging to P1 and P3
pathotypes. In comparison to the sequence of the standard isolate of P. brassicae strain e3 we
identified 44,467 variants causing non-synonymous changes in protein-coding sequences, while 291 and 50 caused the appearance or loss of a stop codon in the coding sequence. Statistical analysis yielded 3,707 variants with variable allele frequencies between the analyzed isolates, proving considerable differences between P1 and P3 pathotypes.