Pheromone trapping of the moth Phyllonorycter blancardella Fabr.in relation to puskás-type weather fronts
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Puskás, J., Nowinszky, L., Barczikay, G.
Pages: 23-26
Abstract: In this study nine new weather front types were determined from the "Daily WeatherReports" valid for the Carpathian Basin. These nine weather front types were successfully used inexaminations of catch data of Hungarian light-trap network. Catches could be either successful ornot according to the weather front types. Using pheromone trap’s catch data, our current studyshows a relationship between weather front types and trapping of Spotted Tentiform Leafminermoths (Phyllonorycter blancardella Fabr.). The pheromone traps were in operation inBodrogkisfalud (Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County, Hungary) between 1993 and 2007.We calculated relative catch values from the total number of caught moths. We assigned thedaily relative catch values for every species to the daily front types. Our examinations proved thatthe weather fronts influences the pattern of pheromone trap catch. Further tests are needed todetermine how pheromone catches correlate with weather fronts.