Phytosanitary status of oaks forests in France


Abstract: Oaks cover nearly 40% of the French forest surface (6 million hectares including 3.6 of Sessile and Pedunculate oaks). Deciduous (Sessile, Pedunculate, Downy oaks…) and evergreen species (Holm, Cork oaks…) are present on the national territory. The monitoring performed by the Département de la Santé des Forêts (Health Forest Service) and its official partners allows establishing the current sanitary situation of the oak forests for the last decade. This survey is based on various observation tools: network of permanent or semi-permanent plots, quadrats observations, specific monitoring of some forest, for the main problems (defoliators, declines, powdery mildew…) as well as on data from health monitoring and official survey. The main results of these observations are presented using maps, graphs… as well as a synthesis on French oak-forests health.

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