POSTER: Effect of autochthonous isolates of Beauveria bassiana on adult forms of pollen beetles
€ 5.00
Ivan Juran, Vedran Grozdanić, Maja Čačija, Katarina Martinko
Pages: 70-73
Abstract: The biggest problem in pollen beetle control is resistance to most of the approved
active substances. Beauveria bassiana plays an important role in biological control and is able to infect a large number of hosts. In this study, an autochthonous strain of B. bassiana was isolated and adult pollen beetles were infected. The mean values of the cumulative mortality of the pollen beetle individuals are significantly higher in the test variants on the fourth day after the start of the experiment than in the control group. The appearance of mycelia on dead individuals was observed on the 5th day after the start of the experiment. The results of the experiment show that the treatment of the surface with the conidia of the B. bassiana has an 8 % better entomopathogenic effect on the adult pollen beetles than the treatment of the flowers.